Late Nights n' Truths

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Olivia held Noah close to her chest as she rocked him to sleep. She was so the thankful to be at home and in her own bed. She wished for Elliot to be there with her, but she knew it was for the best and she also didn't want to raise any suspicions with Gabby so it was best for him to go back home. After she was discharged, they went on a date and talked so any things over and laid a lot of things on the table. They seemed to have come to a mutual understanding on the things that strained their relationship and were confident that things would work out this time.

Noah started to fuss so Olivia stood up and walked around. That usually helped him. "You fighting your sleep, little man?" she whispered. "You gotta sleep sometime. You've had a long day, sweet boy." She bounced him and held his head against her chest, placing a kiss against his hair. "I love you so, so much, Noah and I-"

Olivia's phone vibrated and she looked at the clock. It was after one in the morning. She grabbed her phone and answered it. "Benson."

"Olivia?" said a deep, hoarse voice. She automatically knew who it was.

"Zane? Sweetie, are you okay?"

"Yes," he paused and then said, "no."

"Where are you?"

"I don't want you over this way."

"Tell me where you are right now."

He gave her his location and she dressed herself, grabbed her badge and gun and she and Noah were out.


Olivia tapped her thumb against the steering wheel as she made the twenty minute drive across town. She couldn't believe she was out in the streets at two in the morning with her baby asleep in his car seat. The things she'd do for the people she loved. "Gosh, Zane." She knew he was intoxicated just by the way he spoke to her on the phone, but her worry was what he was intoxicated with.

She spotted Zane sitting on the steps of what appeared to be run down house. She pulled to the side of the street and killed the engine, and after making sure Noah was fast asleep, she got out and locked the doors.

Zane lifted his head and spotted Olivia, a wave of relief washing over him. She actually came.

Of course she did, he thought.

Olivia waltzed up to him in her grey NYPD hoodie and sweatpants. She hovered over him and asked, "Am I gonna catch anything if I sit here?"

He shrugged. "I'm drunk."

"I can see that." Olivia sat down and groaned as her knees popped. She grabbed his chin and turned his face so that she could see him square on. She looked at his eyes mostly to see whether they were constricted or dilatad. That would give it all away. "What are you on? What did you take?" she asked, the moonlight making him look so small and boyish. "And don't lie to me."

"Whiskey... just whiskey."

She looked back out into the night, taking a sweep over the run down neighborhood. "What's going on, honey?" she whispered so softly it almost brought him to tears. "Talk to me."

"My mom was raped when she was twenty. She uh, she had me."

Olivia's eyes widened at his bluntness, but she didn't say anything. She couldn't.

"I knew somewhere in her heart she loved me, she just had a real hard time with it all. I hated my dad for doing what he did to her. She was in college, she was going places, and then I come along. She told me I looked just like him. I probably am like him." He took and deep breath. "This used to be my house. My mom-my mom would make me pancakes and eggs every morning before school. She would walk me to the bus stop in the morning whenever she wasn't high. She used to be so beautiful and nice and..." He pulled the hidden bottle of whiskey out, but Olivia took it from him and he didn't fight.

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