The Video

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 I woke up. Looking around, the first thing I realized was that I wasn't in my bed. I was still in August's. As I woke up, the second thing I realized was that I had no clothes on. Flustered, I flung off the blankets, and sat up, reaching for my clothes on the floor. I got dressed and went to the mirror August had. Ugh.. I lifted my head and examined my neck. Purple spots were scattered across my skin like polka dots. I felt drained. I looked over at the bed to see that August was gone. What time is it? I reached for my phone on August's night stand, I turned it on. My eyes widened. I had over 20 text messages from Jordan, 30 missed called from Elliot, and 1 text Message from Nick.

Text Message from: Jordan

9:45 am: Noah! Where the hell are you? You were supposed to be home at 10 YESTERDAY!

Text Message from: Jordan

9:47 am: You are in serious trouble young man!

Text Message from: Jordan

9:57 am: Noah? Are you okay? Where the hell are you?!

Text Message from: Jordan

9:58 am: I got ahold of Carmen, and she said when she got home from the store around 8, the car was gone, so she thought that you and August had gone somewhere and he was taking you home at curfew.

My eyebrows pushed together in confusion. He left last night? I continued to scroll through the messages.

Text Message from: Jordan

10:10 am: Noah, I just got a text from Carmen saying that the car is still gone. Are you with August? If so, you need to come home right this instant!

Text Message from: Jordan

10:15 am: Your father and I are worried sick. Please let us know you're okay..

A pit of guilt started in my stomach. I didn't mean to lose track of time.. It was all my fault they were freaking out. I was in deep trouble. Where did August go? He would've told me if he was going anywhere. Frowning, I composed a message.

Text Message to: Jordan

11:04 am: Hey Dad. I'm alright. I just lost track of time. I don't know where August is, but I'll need you or Dad to come pick me up. Carmen most likely went to work.

After sending that message, I went to text August.

Text Message to: August <3

11:08 am: Babe, where are you? I heard that you left late last night and still aren't back.

ERROR: Message not sent

What? Confused, I tried sending the message again.

ERROR: Message not sent

What the hell is going on? Is he okay? Worry consumed me. Pressing a few buttons, I checked Nick's message. It was a single link. No other context as to what it was. I tapped on it hesitantly afraid at what I might find. The link opened up to a video. The thumbnail was black as if someone had put their thumb over the lens of the camera. I clicked play and turned up the volume. As the video started playing, all that I could hear was a soft fuzzy noise like the video was in poor quality. Then, as I listened in closer, I could hear rustling and what sounding like grunting. What is this? Suddenly, the camera panned upwards, and I almost dropped my phone on the floor. On the camera, The was a dark room with a single light shining down from the ceiling. The beams of the light landed on a chair. August was tied to that chair. His hands had been tied behind the chair, his feet blinded to the legs of it. Masking tape covered his mouth, and a hand chief blinded him.

Oh my God.. Gripping my phone tightly, I watched the screen intensely. Was this video taken recently? Where is this being taken? What is happening?! Someone behind the camera cleared his throat. It was an adult male. "Well," He said. His voice was rough. I glared at the screen. "I'm sure you're wondering what is happening here, Noah." My stomach dropped. How does he know my name? "Allow me to explain." The owner of the voice was still behind the camera. "As I'm sure you're aware, my son, Luka Frost, is in the hospital. This is Luka's Dad?! The camera shifted, and came closer to August. My heart broke. The right side of his face was purple with bruises. What kind of trouble did he get in to? "See," the camera came down closer to August's face. Bony fingers gripped his chin, and forced him to look at the camera. August tried to pull away, but it was no use. "Your boyfriend here was getting a little too curious when he wanted to figure out who was responsible for shooting my son."

August... "He picked up clues in the alleyway and followed his findings all the way here to where we are now. Smart little fucker, isn't he?" He chuckled. "Of course, I couldn't allow myself to be caught, so I took care of him." I gritted my teeth and continued to watch. Luka's father let go of August and stood upwards, then walked over to the left. "Now, I bet you have a few questions. Like, why is this being sent from my brother's phone? How does he know so much about me?" He chuckled. "You'd be surprised what a little torturing can do." Another light flickered on, and I screamed out loud. Nick was tied to a chair identical to August's, and he was tied up in the exact same way. "See, your boyfriend was clever enough to call for backup, but the time your brother here arrived, it was too late. So, after apprehending him, I did a little,-how do you say-, persuading, then took his phone, recorded this message, and sent it to you."

Luka's father turned the camera to himself. He was scruffy old man, and my face grew hot with anger. "Here's the deal," He said in a snarley tone. "You bring me my son..." he motioned towards Nick. "And I'll let your brother go. Keep this quiet, and I'll let them both go. Say anything though, and I kill your brother."

"No!" I screamed.

Luka's Dad snickered. "Maybe then you'll have further motivation to bring Luka to me, but if not..." The camera spun around and went towards August. Luka's Dad gripped August's hair and pulled him backwards. August cried out in pain. "I'll kill him too. And I'll keep killing..." he yanked at August's hair. "And killing.." Yank. "And killing." Yank. "Until I am reunited with my son. Got that?" He paused. "Now let's see if your boyfriend has anything to say.." Readjusting the camera, Luka's Dad too off the blindfold and the tape. A hand flew over my mouth. August was crying. Why would anyone be sick enough to do this to him?!

"Noah..." August croaked. I sobbed into my hand, "DON'T COME! STAY SAFE! WE'LL FIND A WAY TO GET OUT OF THIS!" He screamed, struggling against the chair. Luka's Dad grunted.

"Shut up!" He yelled, and smacked him across the face. August didn't move. He was silent after that. I cried into my hand as Luka's Dad turned the camera back to him again. "Bring Luka to the abandoned shoe factory in Salesberry when he's out of the hospital. As I am a very considerate man, I understand that Luka is still in the hospital. That's why I'm giving you a month to abide. Remember, if you don't respect my wishes, you'll lose everyone you love." The video ended right there.

Too stunned to move, I cried. I dropped my phone on the floor and fell to my knees, crying into my hands. What am I going to do? Tears ran down my cheeks. I have to show the video to the police. Picking up my phone, I tapped on the video again.

Sorry, the video you have selected has timed out. Please try again later.

Damn it! Luka's Dad must have rigged the video so I couldn't show anyone! I threw my phone at the night stand. Abandoned shoe factory in Saleberry a month from now. I lifted my head as tears fell down my cheeks. I made myself a promise.

I will get them back. Even if it means risking my life to do it.  


Cue the hate comments. 


August in the Fall (A &quot;Lab Partners&quot; Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now