II: Late for school

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-Nightmare's POV-

I yawned, my eyes fluttering open. The hot sun shined in my face. How late was it? I turned around, to my bedside clock. 12:37.


I rushed out of bed, panicking. Why didn't Dream wake me up? In three minutes, I was dressed and eating toast. Because.. toast!

And now you're probably wondering: 'But Nightmare, why are you panicking?'

Well, I promised Dream I would show the good side for one day. Y'know, first impressions. It's not like I care.

I stood up, got my stuff, and left the house. Oh, I couldn't wait to see Dream! With a grin on my face, I walked to school.

- Le time skip -

Great Asgore! What is this, a castle?, I thought as I looked at the school. How was I supposed to know where everything was? In the corner of my eye, I saw someone looking at me, probably a student. I turned around, looking at them.

It was a skeleton. He wore a black turtleneck shirt, with a white jacket over it. His black shorts had white crosses on it, so had his completely white shoes and belt. One of his eyes was red, the other white. Under his right eye was a zigzag scar.

"What are you looking at?", I said to him. He flinched a bit, but answered anyway. "I was just wondering," I rose my eyebrow. "How did you become so.. goopy?" He didn't just go there.

I growled, lashing out a tentacle. "Didn't your parents teach you not to stick your nose in other people's business?" He didn't answer, so I dropped him and entered the school.

-Ink's POV-

I sat in the classroom, skimming through the drawings I made of Error. 'Why did I draw Error?', you might ask. Well, I may or may not like him. And that wouldn't be that much of a problem, if.. he wasn't a jock.

Yep, Error was my personal bully. And he hated me, I knew it! It's not that I couldn't agree with him. I'm just some teachers pet, as he always tells me. Ughh, why couldn't I just let it go? I mentally slapped myself, I could be such an idiot.


Smol chapter for you guys. So let me explain this real quick. Idk how it works in other lands, but here in the Netherlands we have, like a week full of tests. So that means everyday 2 or 3 tests.

And I was sick in that week. So now I have to catch up, and make 9 tests the next 3 weeks. Sooo, I'm kinda busy, sowwy UwU.

But anyways: Hope ya liked the chapter, although it was a bit short :)



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