III: Problems

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-Ink's POV-

I hurried out of the classroom after the lesson was over. I knew that if I wasn't fast enough, I was going to be beaten up. And I didn't want that to happen. So I practically ran through the hallways, hoping I would make it to my next lesson in time. Since I was so fast, nobody was in my way yet. My next class was only a few corners from where I was, I was going to make it! Or so I thought. I turned the next corner, only to be met with a fist. I fell onto my back on the ground and when I dared to look up, I saw him, Error. But he wasn't alone, oh no. Behind him, were his friends; Killer, Dust, Horror, Reaper and Fell. Now I knew for a certain that Reaper wouldn't do much. Neither to protect me or to attack me. The guy was as chill as death. Heh. The rest was pretty dangerous. "So, did you do my homework, nerd!?" Error spat in my face. Shit. I knew I had forgotten something. "Yes, of course!" Nope. I frantically searched my backpack, hoping to find something that'd do good. But there was nothing. Error was getting impatient, I could see; his foot was rapidly tapping on the floor and he would shot a glare at me every once in a while. He didn't like waiting, I knew that from earlier times he would bully me. I could give him my homework for another subject, but he would probably think I tried to trick him. So I decided to go with the truth. "I uhm.. I lost it on my way to school." Well, not completely the truth of course. He would practically kill me if I told him that I forgot to do it. Not that he would be happy now. "You know what this means. I'll see you after school, Ink." the glitching skeleton said, clearly annoyed. He then walked away, his friends following him like lovesick puppies.

I knew what the price was for not doing his homework. Error would beat me up after school, under the bleachers of the field. (A/N; I'm not sure how this works, because I don't live in America. But from what I've seen in movies and on internet, a lot of schools have a big football field with bleachers/tribunes/stands. Don't be scared to correct me if I'm wrong.) I remembered the first time I didn't do his homework. I didn't do it, simply because I didn't want to be bossed around. Error said to meet me under the bleachers after school. Not wanting to take the risk, I ran to my house. Bad idea. Error was pissed. He had waited for me at the entrance of the school, to 'guide' me to my classroom. But instead he managed to guide me into a part of the school that was under renovation. The workers weren't there yet, so he beat me up there. I couldn't move, not even after Error had left. I literally laid there, crying, 'till a teacher found me and immediately brought me to the nurse.

So I knew better than doing something Error wasn't fond of. I sighed and stood up. Class didn't wait.

-Nightmare's POV-

I walked through the corridors. I didn't even try to be the 'good guy' anymore. I was already late, so I instantly gave up. It didn't make a difference if I was 5 minutes late of 15, late was late. I looked around me, not focusing on the way before me. You see, I was treated like a king on my past few schools. People there knew better than to stand in my way. But I forgot that wasn't the thing here. And so, I bumped into someone. "What the hell?!" the person growled at me. I looked at them. He was also a skeleton. His whole outfit was red, and a golden tooth shimmered in his mouth. He also wore a.. collar? "Do you want problems, newbie?" he continued. Oh but that made me mad. Nobody has ever called me a newbie. My tentacles raised and for a moment I saw a flash of fear in the other's eyes. But my satisfaction wasn't complete. "Try me." I challenged him.


Poor Inky boi. Press F to pay respect.

Nightmare vs Fell. Who will win?


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