VII: Beaten up

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-Ink's POV-

"You took quite the time, eh?" Error said, as he leaned down to my face. I couldn't even react before I was slammed down by him. God, he's so strong. My back hurt, but I didn't say anything. Not only did Error not like waiting, he also hated it when people talked to him without permission to. Other than that, I knew not too much about the glitched skeleton. So why did Error pick on me? I didn't exactly know, but it probably had to do something with me being a so called: 'teacher's pet'. I wanted to sigh dramatically, but didn't, mostly because Error hit me in my stomach really hard. Hit after hit landed in my stomach and I had to force myself not to cry. Crying was showing weakness and weakness was bad. Error laughed a glitched laugh as he saw the tears that started to form in my eyes. Just as I thought I was going to faint, I heard a very familiar voice.

"Would you stop that!"

Error look up, distracted from his punching. I also looked up, only to see my new friend standing there, determined to find out what the heck was going on. "Dream!" I gasped. "Please help me!" Error turned his face back toward me, and he looked pissed to say the least. If only looks could kill...

"You called for backup, rainbow colored ass!?" Another insult. It didn't do much with me though, if you get called names every day, you get used to it pretty darn fast. For once, I decided to put on a smile. "No, but it's pretty handy." As I looked into Error's eyes, I saw a flash of shock in them, or was that just my imagination playing with me? I was brought back to reality, as I saw Error lifting his fist, probably to hit me one last time before taking Dream on. He didn't come that far though, because Dream was already behind him. My new friend took hold of Error's wrist and managed to get the bully on the ground with some kind of karate move I had never seen before. I jumped up as soon as I could and turned to Dream. "I'm going to go get a teacher." Dream nodded, barely noticeable, while holding a squirming Error in place.

The only thing I could hope, was that Dream was okay, when I ran back to the place I got beaten up. Two teachers and a nurse were following me to the place delict. It took some time to find them, since it was the end of the day, but luckily they were all together in the teacher's room. I sent one last prayer to the sky, hoping that everything was still okay.

But, of course, the luck wasn't on my side.


I owe you all an apology, do I not? I am so so so sorry for not uploading for like, three/four weeks. I really needed to focus more on school, so yeah. Hope you guys aren't too mad :p

(Also; 1,7K reads? You guys are insane!)


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