VI: Fear

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-Dream's POV-

"I want to introduce you to my friend!" Blue exclaimed, practically running down the stairs. I had to do my best to keep up with the little ball of energy. "I know, I know." School was finally over, but there was no time to go home. Not yet. Blue had been talking about this friend of his the whole day. According to Blueberry, this friend was artistic, kind, smart, full of emotions, but sometimes not. Pretty vague, I thought.

But here I was, running after my new-made friend. And this was only the first day on this school. "There he is!" the energetic skeleton shouted, pointing at someone outside. As this person came into view more, I realized it was the skeleton I met earlier, that guy from the notebook. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Ink. Ink already came walking up to us, probably recognizing Blue. "I made a new friend, Ink!" Blue said, jumping up and down in excitement. "His name is Dream." "Actually," I began sheepishly. "We already met." Ink looked at me up and down, his eyes sparkling as soon as he remembered. "Oh yeah, that's right! We were both in a hurry, so I didn't get to fully introduce myself. I'm Ink Comyet, nice to meet you!" "Dream Joku." Blueberry jumped up and down in excitement. "We should get to know each other better! Maybe we can hang out this afternoon!?" Blueberry got even more excited (how was that even possible?), but sadly Ink shook his head. "Sorry Blue, I already have something." The shoulders of the shortest skeleton fell down, showing his disappointment. "What do you have to do what's more important than hanging out with the magnificent Blue?" Ink gave Blueberry a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Blue, we'll get to spend time together another time. By the way, it's the doctor." Blue seemed to go with it and the big smile on his face returned. "Oh, okay, guess you're right!"

I didn't believe Ink. So I decided to follow him.

Y'know just to check what was really going on.

-Ink's POV-

I waved to Blue and Dream as I walked off to my 'appointment'. Shooting one last look over my shoulder, I turned the corner and walked inside the school again, through another entrance. I looked on the clock that was literally taped to the wall and almost got a heart attack when I realized I was going to be late. Error was going to be so mad at me. I quickened my pace and even started running after a minute. Luckily, I made it to the field without further ado. I could already see Error standing in the distance and I felt my heart beat faster. There were consequences to being late, Error had warned me many times. I swallowed, my throat dry from fear. There was no way out.


Thanks so much for all the lovely comments guys! I'm feeling a little better every day :). I'm sorry if I don't respond to your comment, I don't always have the time, but just know that no comment goes unnoticed.

Sorry for the short chapter, the next will be longer; I promise. And the ships will be together soon! 'Which one first?', you might ask. I'm not sure, I lost the paper with the storyline written on it lmao, but it'll probably be Errorink.

Also: the views are going hiiiiiiiigh and I love it <3


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