Where is he?

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"Did he say what he was he wearing?"

"No. It was going to be a 'surprise'."

"You don't think he put on makeup?"

"I don't know."

"Well then how do we—"

"I found him."

"That was quick, where?"



"Over there."

"The vortigaunt-fairy?"

"No, a little more to the left."

"I still don't see him."

"He's right there!"


"He's...kind of hard to miss..."

"I still don't..."

"Eleven O-clock. Sequins."

"Sequins? Sequins...sequins—oh!"

"See him now?"

"I think—wait... Chell, I'm pretty sure that's a woman..."

"Mel, that's a wig."

"No it isn—oh! You're right, oh... Oh Chell..."

"There you go."

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