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QingQing City. China.
A child is born who glows with a golden light. As time passed, more and more children were born, each possessing their own extraordinary ability, or 'quirk'.
The origin of these strange manifestations is a mystery, but as time passes, and their prevalence grows, people come to accept the reality of a new, super-human society, with 80% of the world's population possessing some extraordinary ability.
From the chaos that ensued arose a new profession; and so heroes came into being.
Standing alone among them?
All Might.
A pillar of peace and justice, and The Symbol of Peace.
"Hey Kacchan, you feel that?"
10 year old Izuku Midoriya stood back to back with his childhood friend, ringed in on all sides by older kids, most of them singed and smoking. The quirk-happy compadres weren't about to back down.
"I'm getting fired up"
                            * * *
As the pair grew, their increasingly reckless escapades would give Inko Midoriya cause to rue her sons powerful quirk.
A mixture of her telekinesis and her husband's fire breathing, Izuku's Pyrokinesis quirk enabled him to summon and control  fire through his hands and feet.
A veritable mother's nightmare. Sometimes Inko wished that Izuku had been born with a nice, safe, plant-based quirk, or even an Extendo-limb quirk like Kana's son.
But no.
Regardless of his quirk, Izuku was always going to find a way to be a hero. Better a hero with the means to protect himself and others.
And so she watched her boy grow, with faint pride and frequent horror. As he grew, so too did his dedication to his goal.
While others played, Izuku could be found in their tiny backyard, honing his unwieldy flames into a hero's weapon. Ever by his side was Katsuki Bakugou, their friendship founded on a mutual respect of the others power and drive. With a sharp tongue and an explosive temper to match his explosive quirk, the boy was often harsh on Izuku. When they fought, Inko would find herself reaching for the burn salve, which she had taken to buying wholesale.
But aside from some scratches and innumerable terrified cats, their relationship was generally healthy.
In many ways, the two were opposites; Izuku was mild where Bakugou was forceful, and Bakugou brash while Izuku was more considerate.
As a pair, they just worked: each serving to cancel out the other's faults. Inseparable from kindergarten through Middle School, the two seemed destined to be at each other's side for ever. Until that damn slime villain showed up.

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