Chapter 1

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"So tell me class, have you decided where you're all applying for next year?"
The class erupted in response to the teachers question, but he already knew their answer.
"Just kidding, I know you're all applying for U.A., right?"
In the back row, Katsuki Bakugou smirked and locked eyes with his friend, Izuku Midoriya.
Everyone in the room knew that there were only two people in the class with real hero potential, and he wasn't about to pretend otherwise.
"You losers aren't really applying to U.A., are you?" He snorted
"You know you actually have to have a hero-worthy quirk for that, right?"
To his right, Izuku grimaced.
Kacchan was brave, and loyal, and sometimes even caring (though he tried to hide it ), but he could be unkind.
He was right though;
U.A. was their shared destiny.
To follow in the footsteps of their idol, the pillar of order and justice, to walk the same halls as the shining symbol of peace: All Might.
If they were to do that, though, they had some training to do.

The second the school bell rang, Izuku was gone.
Retrieving his gear bag from his locker, he headed to the fountain to wait for Kacchan. 10 minutes later, he was still waiting. He checked his watch, concerned. Though Kacchan rarely turned up to class on time if he could help it, his punctuality could usually be counted on when hero training was involved.
Izuku started towards Dagobah Municipal Beach Park. The place was a junkyard, owing to the cumulative debris from the city. Covered in scrap metal, trash, and junk; it was the perfect training ground for two future heroes.

As he trudged towards the beach, Izuku leafed through his hero notes.
He was meditating on Kamui Woods' hand to hand combat style when his book was knocked from his hand by a crowd of onrushing pedestrians. A series of blast rocked the street, knocking Izuku backwards. No, not just blasts. Explosions.

Izuku ran, pushing through panicked citizens.
Years of sparring left him in no doubt as to the source of the explosions. As he ran his hands sparked, his quirk betraying his emotions.
Breaking through a line of people, Izuku took in the scene.
Multiple pro-heroes were already locked in combat with... with what? Through the smoke, Izuku could barely make out the mass of sludge, and at its centre, a writhing form.
The cry escaped him before he knew what was happening. He felt panic rising, but quashed it quickly, letting his analytical mind survey the scene. He took in the heroes; some fighting fires, others sheltering bystanders from debris.
Wait - Why weren't they making any effort to subdue the villain?
"Their quirks" Izuku realised
"They're unsuitable for the enclosed space.
Surely there's at least one combat-based quirk here?!"
He could see that Kacchan's struggles were becoming weaker, the explosions less frequent.
Izuku's face set in a mask of grim determination as he realised that there was a quirk suited to this environment: His own

Power coursed through his limbs, propelling him forward, past the idle pros. The fact that Kacchan was there meant he couldn't use ranged attacks.
Drawing on the fire all around him, he moulded the flames into a whip. Lashing at the villain, it fastened itself around his lower abdomen, sizzling against the slime.
The villain roared in pain and rage. Izuku took this opportunity to get in close, raining fist after flaming fist down upon the villain.
"Kacchan!" Izuku reached for his friend.
"Take my hand!" Grabbing Bakugou's shirt, Izuku flung the limp body behind him, putting himself between the villain and Kacchan.
"Someone get that kid out of there before he gets himself killed!"
The pros rushed to intervene. They needn't have worried. A wall of flame erupted in the alley; a barrier of heat blocking the villain. The effort of sustaining the barrier drove Izuku to his knees.
The villain stumbled backwards, his skin cracking. The pros looked on in stunned silence as he fell, his body joining the high schoolers' in the dirt of the alley.
Izuku Midoriya turned to his friend, seeing the gentle rise and fall of his chest, a faint smile playing on his lips.
Then darkness took him.

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