Chapter 5

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"All right, class. Today you're going to working on your close-ranged combat skills."
Excited chatter rippled through the class. Izuku's first week has flown by, in a blur of new faces and new experiences, but up to this point, any hero training had been purely theory-based. "Quiet down." continued Mr Aizawa.
"Anyway, dealing with you idiots has been seriously cutting into my napping schedule, so today you're going to be working with- "
"Fear not, students! Why? Because your substitute teacher is here!" boomed a voice from the back of the room.
"Yeah. Him." Mr Aizawa trudged out the door.
"Try not to kill each other out there; The paperwork involved is a nightmare"

 "Try not to kill each other out there; The paperwork involved is a nightmare"

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"Here we are: Ground Beta." All Might effused.
"So this is your first combat lesson, hmmmm? Well then, I suppose we should start with the the theory: Some notes on how to use your quirk in an enclosed space..."
He reached into his pockets, coming out empty handed. "Ahhhhh..."
He patted his pockets. "Yes... Well, the best way to learn is by doing, I always say!"
Motioning to the building behind him, he explained.
"So: Here's the plan. You newbies are going to be doing some role play. Teams of two, with one team to play the villain, and the other, the heroes.
The aim of this exercise is to gain control of the bomb, which will be in the possession of the 'villains'. If the heroes successfully retrieve the bomb, from wherever it is in the building, within the time limit, they win! But the 'villains' aren't going to stand by and watch. Oh no! The second team will do whatever they have to in order to defend their bounty, using whatever is at their disposal!"
Turning to the crowd, All Might beamed. "Any questions?"
He was met by a sea of raised hands. "No? Excellent! Let's draw lots!"

"Team A, to consist of Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka, will defend," All Might announced, having made a show of pulling the names from a hat "while Team B, consisting of Shōto Todoroki and Toru Hagakure, will aim to retrieve the bomb. Are you ready newbies? Let's begin!"


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"Uhhh... Deku? What are you doing?"
Uraraka asked, confused.
Izuku looked up from where he was spreading a thin layer of gravel over the floor.
"Given how little we know about either of our opponents," he explained "there's not a lot I can do in terms of devising a strategy.
This way at least Hagakure won't be able to surprise us."
" Ohhhh, I get it! The gravel'll make noise if she tries to get past us!"
Izuku nodded.
"If you nullify her stealth, Hagakure doesn't have a lot going for her, quirk-wise. I just wish that dealing with Todoroki was that simple."
At the entrance to the building, Todoroki turned to Hagakure.
"You may want to step outside for a moment." he warned her. "It's about to get cold."

                              ***Izuku felt the drop in temperature instantly

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Izuku felt the drop in temperature instantly.
"Uraraka, you're going to have to get in close to me." He said urgently.
"W-wha?!" spluttered Uraraka.
"Do you trust me?"
Blushing, she nodded and took a few faltering steps towards him.
"Closer." He said, taking her hand and pulling her into him.
Focusing his quirk, he inhaled, exhaled, and began to heat up.
An extension of his pyrokinesis, Izuku was capable of radiating heat from his core. It was on this ability he concentrated now, summoning forth wave after wave of warmth.
A vein of frost had appeared at the door and was advancing menacingly.
"Deku! It's coming!" Uraraka warned.
Izuku nodded, eyes closed in concentration. A bead of perspiration appeared on his forehead. Gritting his teeth, he increased the frequency of the pulses, until his body was throwing out blasts of heat like a furnace.
The advancing ice slowed, then stopped, then retreated.

"Deku! You did it!" Uraraka cheered, throwing her arms around his neck.
She suddenly became aware of how closely they were intertwined and blushed crimson.

She suddenly became aware of how closely they were intertwined and blushed crimson

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She could count the freckles on his nose.

He could smell her strawberry perfume

She could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

He leaned in and

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