Chapter 4

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The letter arrived in the post 2 weeks later. Izuku has been expecting it, but seeing the envelope, bearing U.A.'s embossed logo, still set his heart thumping against his chest. He ran a nail under the seal, trying to keep his emotions, and more importantly his quirk, under control. The last thing he needed was for the letter to combust in his shaking hands. Opening the letter triggered the holo-mail device hidden inside. He stepped back as an image flickered and then solidified.
"FEAR NOT, CANDIDATE!" a voice boomed. "WHY? BECAUSE YOUR LETTER OF ADMISSION IS HERE". On screen, All Might, the exalted Symbol of Peace threw back his head and laughed.
"Young Midoriya, is it? Hmmm, you seem to have made quite the name for yourself already, haven't you, my boy? In recognition of your heroic actions, as well as your exemplary scores in the entrance exam, we at U.A. have decided to offer you a place in our hero course, commencing this April. You are to be placed in class 1-A, presuming that you decide to accept your position. Well, boy? Are you ready to join us in pushing your limits? Are you ready to go beyond? Are you ready to be a hero?"

 Well, boy? Are you ready to join us in pushing your limits? Are you ready to go beyond? Are you ready to be a hero?"

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Izuku fell backwards onto his bed, a fist raised in triumph. He was too overwhelmed to do any much else, so he lay there, letting his emotions walk over him. A single tear leaked from his eye. All of the work, all of the hardships, every scratch or bruise, all leading up to this.
No. This wasn't the finish line. This was a milestone. He didn't have time to waste resting on his laurels. Because he was damn sure that no-one else would be. "Kacchan." he whispered. "I'm coming for you."
Inko Midoriya wasn't surprised. Her son was going to be a hero. Her heart swelled with pride, and something else too... An emotion she couldn't put a name to... She fingered the fabric of the suit she had had made for Izuku in preparation for this day. "Oh Izuku..." she mumbled, stroking her son's hero suit. "What would Hisashi say? What would your father say?"
"Deku! Hey Deku! Wait up!"
Izuku froze. The only person who ever called him 'Deku' was...
"Oh! Hey Uraraka!" Izuku was taken aback. "So you got in too, then?"
"Just about! They took into account the fact that I was incapacitated for the last bit of the exam.
That and the thinly veiled threat of a child endangerment law suit." Uraraka grinned. "Hey, are you okay?"
Izuku shrugged. "Sure. It's just, that name you called me..."
"You mean 'Deku'? I heard Bakugou call you it back during the entrance exam, so I just thought... You don't mind, do you? I think it's cute."
"Actually, it's kind of a nickname he uses to insul-" Izuku's mind boggled. Had she just called him..?
"Nope. I don't mind at all. Go for it."
"Are you sure? I mean, if it's an insult..."
"Absolutely! Deku's fine. I love Deku. Deku's amazing. You're amazing." Wait, what? Did he just say that? Oh God. His cheeks were on fire, and it was nothing to do with his quirk.
"WaitnoIdidntmeanthat.I mean, I did: You're great. Oh my God, no. I'm just going to stop talking now, okay?" Izuku wished his quirk involved melting into the ground and disappearing.

 I'm just going to stop talking now, okay?" Izuku wished his quirk involved melting into the ground and disappearing

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"Uh... Thanks, I guess?" Uraraka blushed. "So, uh, what class are you in?"
Izuku was glad for the change of subject. "1-A. You?"
"No way! We're in the same class! Isn't that so great?"
"Y-Yeah, sure." Izuku stammered. He reckoned he'd rather go another round with the slime villain than go through this every day. How did this girl break his brain so effectively?
"Well, we've homeroom first thing." Uraraka said, checking her timetable. "Wanna go find it?"
"Sure, lets go." Izuku had only been here 10 minutes, but U.A. was already proving more exciting and challenging than he had anticipated, in a whole variety of ways.

* In a dramatic turn of events, people appear to be reading my work. Thanks for the support, you guys. If Deku's painful interactions with the opposite sex is totally you, drop a vote or a comment and tell me what you think :) *

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