Special IzuOcha Chapter

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"Oh yeah, and you guys are on cleaning duty this weekend."                 
Mr Aizawa's announcement was met with a chorus of groans from the class. 
He tolerated it for a second, before freezing them with a stare.

  He tolerated it for a second, before freezing them with a stare

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"Shut up. Now.
There's a rota. You all knew this was coming.
I could try and pass this off as team building, or promoting a sense of public duty, but I think we all know that it's because the Head's too cheap to hire someone to do it.
The upshot of that is that I'm stuck here with you until you've finished."
He fixed them with a glare.
"Don't leave me waiting."
"Man, this sucks." Kirishima complained, digging through the supply closet in search of a mop.
"How is Japan's top hero school getting away with unpaid child labour?"
Izuku laughed, and handed him a pair of gloves.
"I guess they blew the budget on the giant robots for the entrance exam."
"Yeah," Kirishima grunted.
"And we're the ones paying for it."
Izuku surveyed the school map on the ground before them.
"So I guess we divide the work up between us, then?"
"Absolutely!" Iida interjected. "Teamwork is key!
This will serve as an invaluable experience for our future careers!"
Yaoyorozu nudged past Izuku and examined the map.
"We should probably assign two people to each wing, that way at least nobody's left on their own.
Uhhh... So, I guess pair off, everyone?"
Kirishima emerged from the supply closet to stand by Kacchan's side.
"I'm with Bakugou, anyway.
The dude's freakishly gifted with a feather duster."
This revelation was met with a stunned silence.
"SHUT UP, IDIOT!" Kacchan yelled, stomping off in the direction of the medical wing.
Yaoyorozu stared after him with a bemused expression.
Well, that happened.
So I guess they can... handle that..."
She turned back to the map and started assigning roles to her fellow classmates.
"So that leaves Uraraka and Midoriya to do the botany wing." She finished, rolling up the map.
"Deku, can you water the window boxes?" Uraraka asked.                        
"I want to get these windows cleaned." "Sure!" he replied.
"Hey, could you pass me that bucket?"  Uraraka leaned forward to pass the bucket through the open window, her face flushed.     
"Whew! It's so hot. I don't know how much more of this I can take!"                 Izuku busied himself with the window boxes, only to hear a bell sound in the distance.                   
"I guess that's dinner. Want to head, or would you prefer to finish here first?"    Uraraka stretched, and shook her head.                                                            "Nah. We should probably try to get finished up before Mr. Aizawa loses his patience.         
Anyway, " she said, poking her midriff.
"I could do with losing some weight."  Izuku looked up, surprised.                    "But you're perfect!" he said, before his brain caught up with his mouth.      Instantly, he blushed crimson and hid himself in the foliage of the flower bed.                             
Uraraka stared in shock. Had he just..?

Maybe it was the gentle warmth of a summer's breeze.

Maybe it was the sweet smell of cherry blossom that hung in the air.

Maybe she'd just inhaled too many fumes from the cleaning detergent.

Whether any of these, or some other, more primal force that drove Uraraka's actions, her hand found Izuku's

and then they were kissing

and his lips were warm, his touch gentle, and he tasted of peppermint and all things wonderful, and it felt so natural and right and the world melted away until there was nothing but him, and her, and his lips on hers, and-

"Hey, are you guys finished yet?"                                                                                Uraraka squealed and pushed Izuku away.                                                            Kaminari's face appeared around the corner.                                                          "It's just that Mr. Aizawa says that we're free to go and-
Oh!" He stopped.                                      "It's just you, Uraraka. Wasn't Midoriya supposed to be with you?"    Uraraka shook herself from her stupor. "Y-yeah. He's right the-"
Izuku was gone.                                                                                                              "Uh... I guess he's outside somewhere, then?"                                                                                               
Kaminari shrugged and turned to leave.                                                            "Well, if you find him, tell him to head up to dinner."                                            "S-sure thing..." Uraraka said, perplexed.
Where could Deku have gone?
Sero craned his neck and squinted to see the tiny figure bobbing ever higher into the sky.

"So, you want to tell me how exactly this ha-"       

"NO!" Uraraka shrieked, hiding her face in her hands.
"Just help me get him down!"

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