Chapter 2

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Dr Strange made his way to Stark tower looking up at the gigantic building. He found it amusing how rich this guy was, but he wasn't tempted to let that get in the way of the treatment he gave him.

He took the lift up to the 4th floor and waited patiently for the man to acknowledge his appearance.

"Mr Anthony Edward Stark?" He called.

Tony emerged from the room next door to see a tall guy dressed in what looked like some sort of magic costume with a red cloak wrapped around him.

"No kidding, this man is a magician." He tried to hold his laugh, but failed.

"I don't know what is so funny to you but I have patients to help, so don't waste my time."

"Confidence, I like it." He smirked. "So what exactly are you?"

"Be specific. My race? My occupation? My species?" He smiled back.

"Listen. Jarvis asked you to come here, surely you should know what your supposed to be doing, right?" Tony was trying to outsmart this guy but he couldn't seem to stop liking this guy. He realised Jarvis was right.

"Apparently, I'm supposed to fix your broken heart. But judging by your state of health, I'm guessing it's metaphorical."

"Your a smart guy Strange." He gestured for him to sit down. "Tea? coffee?"

Strange say on the sofa and crossed his legs so that He was in a comfortable position. He took the book that was next to him and started reading it.
"Tea please."

"Sure the kettles over there." Tony pointed over to the kitchen counter and sat on the sofa next to him.

Strange chuckled.

They both sat there in silence staring at each other.

"I've just noticed your eyes are a mix of green and blue." Tony said at last folding his arms against his chest.

"And I've just noticed that your eyes are a boring dull brown." Stephen folded his arms just like Tony without even realising it.

"Well everyone has their flaws" Stark sighed, he was lost looking Stephen's perfect face.

"Stark?" Stephen called.

"Yes, I'm listening." Tony shook his head slightly to stop staring at this man, but he couldn't help it. Strange was so mysterious.

"Jarvis also told me about your condition. Do you get flashbacks a lot?" Strange knew this was a private subject so he tried to approach it carefully without letting his arrogance get in the way.

"Flashbacks? No." He shook his head his eyes fixed into the floor.

"I can tell your lying Tony." Strange uncrossed his legs and leaned forward.

Tony was confused. He had only just met this man, yet it felt like he had known him from years.

"I sometimes-" He hesitated, "I get flashbacks all the time. I can never sleep."

Suddenly, Stephen put his hand on Tony's. "Thank you for opening up to me, I'll try my best to help."

Tony really liked this man, everything about him was perfect.
Perfect for Tony.

"I have 2 patients waiting, I'm over time, I must be heading to the hospital now. Call me whenever you need me." He started to leave, but remembered something. "Oh and I took all your alcohol bottles away, no drinking tonight"

"Wait? When?"

"Magic" Strange whispered before leaving through a portal.

There was a pile of orange sparks left on the floor.

Visions of the man paced his brain. Stephen was a tall man, arrogant as shit, but those defined cheekbones and the way he blow dried his hair made him look almost ho-

"Wait did I just?" Tony cleared the thought quickly,  and failed.

Stephen may have left, but he didn't leave Tony's mind.

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