Chapter 4

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The bedroom door swung open, and an energetic Peter ran and jumped on Stark.

"Hey Papa Stark!" He yelled. "It's Ned's birthday party today, did you forget?"

Tony lifted his head out of the covers and Stephen did the same, only to realise that Peter was in front of them.

Peter's jaw dropped.

"Wait... Mr Stark who is-?" His face was so confused.

"Peter, this is not what it looks like." He turned to face Strange. "This is Stephen, he's just a friend."

"Oh I'm Peter, nice to meet you." Peter held his hand out to shake his hand, but was instantly declined.

"Stark you did not tell me you had a kid." Stephen became slightly frustrated, but he still kept a positive face.

"You should have worked it out being the smartass that you are." He pointed to photos of him and Peter up on the wall.

Stephen shook his head, he did not want to argue with Stark.

"I will make you breakfast downstairs." Stephen got out of bed, Peter following behind.

Tony was left alone again. He looked down at his chest where his heart would be. He convinced himself that he didn't find this guy romantically interesting, but the man filled his body with excitement.

Tony forced himself out of bed and put his spongebob slippers on, followed by a dark red dressing gown. He made his way downstairs to be greeted with a smell of fresh pancakes - his favourite.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Stephen saw the spongebob slippers and chuckled, his hands covering his mouth.

"Morning Harry Potter, how did you make those pancakes so quick?"

"Your son helped me. He's a little bundle of joy isn't he." Stephen outstretched his hand for Peter, who have him a hard high five. Stephen patted him on the back. "You be safe. Remember, look left, look right to make it to Ned's tonight!"

"I'm sorry, who is the mum here?" It took a moment for Tony to notice what Strange had said. "YOU LET PETER GO ON HIS OWN?"

He started running to the door but the young adventurous teenager had already left.

Stephen put his hand on his shoulder. "It's fine you have his number, He will be good."

Tony's anxiety was bouncing around the room, Stephen could feel it.

"I hope he's going straight there. If he hurts himself it's your fault. What if there is alcohol at the party? What if someone steals his phone? What if he can't remember the way?" Tony was in panic mode.

"Tony, why don't you and me go out for lunch today?" Stephen had both his large hands on his shoulders now. His eyes were staring into his soul, pleading him to calm down.

Tony couldn't resist Strange's offering, he gladly agreed and the men went out to the sandwich shop down the street.

They found a small two-seater table. Although both males were rich, the doctor was willing to pay the bill.

"I got you a BLT, same as me, is that okay?" He gave the bigger sandwich to Stark and winked.

"Oh I forgot to tell you... I'm gluten free."

"Oh I'm sorry I'll get another one I should have asked first." He put his hand behind his head and glanced at the floor - he felt embarrassment.

Tony giggled hysterically. "I was joking, I'm not gluten free. It was a joke!"

Stephen pushed Tony playfully and they both couldn't stop laughing.

The pair enjoyed their sandwiches.

Stephen's low voice rambled on talking to Tony - he never wanted this to end.

"Damn I think listening to this magic doctor's voice is my new guilty pleasure..." Tony thought quietly.

People watched in amusement, recognising Stark, as the couple interacted. Some fans of Tony came up to get his autograph, but for once he wasn't into fame and recognition - he was into the man sitting right in front of him.

"I'm straight." Circled his mind every time he saw Strange, but he was not able to block the temptation.

"Are you free tonight Stephen?" He was nervous.

"Not another drink party..." He mumbled, keeping his smile.

"Well I have an Avengers meeting, we have one every month. I haven't been for ages, so I was wondering if you could-"

"Come?" Strange finished.

"Yeah." Tony felt relief and hoped that he would say yes. He didn't want to go on his own, the humiliation would be too much for him.I

"Tony, I'm off work this week, so yeah of course I will come! But I will only let you have three drinks."

"You can't stop me!" He scoffed turning his face into a cheeky grin.

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