Chapter 3

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Four months past.

The sorcerer saw Tony every three days, but Tony felt like it was not enough.

Tony lay on his bed with his phone next to him. He was wide awake.

Tony had promised himself he wouldn't call the sorcerer at night but,  temptation soon overwhelmed him.

The man called, waited, and to his surprise, despite how late it was, he answered.

"Hey Tony. What's wrong?" Stephen sounded genuinely worried.

"I can't sleep." He heard Stephen laugh faintly in the background. "I... uhm... Look, your the only person I've spoke to in months and I need you. So bring your magical ass over here and-"

"I'll be right over there." Stephen ended the call.

Tony's room was now dead silent. Anxiety filled his heart, and he hated the feeling.

Five minutes passed and he heard Stephen call from downstairs.

Stark almost jumped out of bed and went towards the mystical artist.

Strange looked super attractive today. His hair was pushed back and he wore a tight grey shirt which looked outstandingly hot. Tony shook his head - was he really falling in love with a man at first sight.

"So what do you need?" His deep voice rumbled through Stark, so much that he wasn't even listening to what he said. "Hello?"

"Uh yeah. Well I can't sleep. I thought maybe if we could, I mean you could stay the night?" The words came out stuttered but Stephen understood.

"So where do I sleep?" He questioned. He wanted to smile, but he had to keep his serious face.

"I thought... Maybe it's weird. I know it's weird. But uhm. Could you, maybe, uhm sleep with me?" Stephen nodded, but Tony lost eye contact. "I mean like in a completely non-gay way."

"Sure." Stephen seemed happy about the decision and started putting his stuff for the night in Tony's room.

"Have you married yet?"

"What? Jarvis, no. I'm not gay." The excuse played in his mind time and time again. He left Jarvis and went to his bedroom where Stephen was already in bed.

Strange had his hands behind his head and he looked up at Tony. He had also left the right side of the bed empty for him.

"How did you know I sleep on the right side." Tony was confused, how did this man know everything about him?

"I saw the imprints. You also sleep on your side."

"What are you? A magical American Sherlock?" They both laughed at the joke as Tony got into bed.

They both turned on their side to face each other.

"Would it be weird if I hug you?" Tony felt like an idiot for asking.

"No, it's fine. I've hugged guys before. It's natural, believe me." Strange smiled as the both put their arms around each other.

Strange was different to Pepper. He was much bigger, warmer, and his smell was more comforting. Tony hated himself for enjoying this moment with Stephen, but if felt normal as if he was always a part of his life.

His hands ruffled through Tony's hair, it was soft as silk. He couldn't stop. The continuous motion of running his scared fingers through it was pleasurable.

Soon both men were fast asleep, their arms wrapped in a tight cuddle.

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