Chapter 8

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(I had a problem so i had to re-publish)

Stephen and Tony made their way to the sanctum. It was dark and Wong was trying to clean up all the glass on the floor. The cloak of Levitation swooped and perched on Stephen's shoulders, holding Tony close to him.

"So what exactly happened here?" Tony questioned looking at all the blood on the floor.

"Mordo thats what happened. He tried to attack me with dark magic - almost killed me." He sighed a long sigh.

"I thought you were the best sorcerer there was."

"I am but he's got hold of me inside."

"That sounds a bit Strange." Tony made the remark unintentionally using his surname, he smiled at his own joke.

"What I mean is he's trying to get to Peter..." His hands were shaking but not because of his nerve damage, he was genuinely scared. "Wait

Stark stopped smiling and got his phone out of his pocket. He punched in Peter's phone number, waiting for him to answer the call. After a few moments he heard a man answer, their voice rumbling through the speaker but it wasn't Peter's voice.

The caller hung up before the two men could say anything. Stephen looked at Tony. Tony looked at Stephen. They got into their suits and flew to where the tracker in Peter's phone was beeping.

They ended up in an abandoned building a few miles away from the New York Sanctum. Strange spotted Peter on top of the building and instantly pointed it out to Stark.

"We have to be careful - Mordo is powerful." Stephen muttered but Tony was concentrating on something else.

"Bullshit! We need to get Peter, I'm blowing up this building then I'll fly up and catch him." He raised his hand and got ready to shoot. Stephen just held the ironman's arm and slowly dragged it down.

"We can't - too risky." He watched Mordo pushing Parker closer and closer to the edge of the building. He made a signal that suggested he wanted the two to go to the top of the tower. They did.

"What do you want?" Strange shouted up from the bottom of the tower, looking deep into the villians eyes while being protected by the mask that covered his fear.

He knew Mordo already had 3 out of the 5 texts needed to destroy the universe. He had thought that Wong had incinerated them years ago but it proved that great power was indestructible.

"I want the last of the secret texts." Mordo saw Strange shake his head, in turn, he picked Peter up by the shirt collar and hung him over the edge of the sky scraper. Peter struggled and screamed for help.

"All this for a book? You dare touch my son and I'll fucking blast you to space." He aimed his blaster at the dark magician.

"I can handle it." He snarled.

"Trust me you can't." Strange said whilst making a weapon out of his magic his bleeding limbs moving slower then normal.

Tony put a hand on Stephen's shoulder and stared into his eyes giving him a certain look. He assured Stephen that he could handle it as he looked at the deep wounds imprinted on his skin.

Tony gave him a small kiss on the cheek and before Stephen could hold him back he was in the air travelling to where mordo was standing. There was more sorcerers behind him and Stark started to feel anxiety creeping up his spine.

"Do you want you're son back? Well I'd like to announce that you're late." He went to push Peter off the edge.

Tony swung his fist at the man and knocked him over using his left leg. Tony kept his balance and held Peter who was now dangling off the building. Tony pulled him back up and told him to hide.

There was a dozen of sorcerers, 6 men holding magic shields, 6 of them holding magic swords that were almost invisble. Tony had already knocked out their leader, so he figured they would be pissed.

"Alright, I'm looking for a ancient text that is capable of destroying the universe, which one of you dipshits have it?" Tony scanned the area making sure there were no citizens down below - he didn't fancy any casualties today.

"Mr Stark-" Peter had already put his suit on.

"Peter?" He yelled. "I told you to hide!"

Peter started to speak, but magic weapons were being thrown, and he had to dodge.

Spiderman shot a web to the corner of a nearby house, knocking 2 men over with his feet in the process. Tony shot at 3 men carrying sheilds, before leaping a few feet off the ground, and plummeting back to the floor, killing 5 villians.

"Good job kid, two left!"

Peter kicked one in the face and Tony kicked the other. Tony smiled at Peter and put his hands up in a victory motion.

Suddenly a magic shurican zoomed through the air, and time seemed to slow down. It was shooting directly towards Tony, aiming for his head. Peter's heart skipped a beat.

"Mr Stark look-"

Peter shot a thick web at the man, which in turn made him fall to the ground, but it was too late.

The magic went straight through Tony's head, no helmet to protect him. This was it, it was over. Peter dropped down and started crying as Stark lay dead on the floor.


Suddenly, a green flash of light came from Tony's head and he seemed to be reversing in slow motion. Peter looked up in amazement as Strange used the time stone to to get the magic out.

"HOLY SHIT!" Peter screamed.

"I told you we don't use that fucking language..." Tony murmured quite confused as to what had happened.

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