Chapter One

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   The air was brisk, the chilled wind beginning to grow faster. Dark clouds had begun rolling in, bringing ear piercing thunder and blinding lightening. It was a stormy Friday in October, the first day of the football playoffs. The Bulldogs were lucky enough to make it into the playoffs this year, geared forward by none other than Archie Andrews, the quarterback and one of my best friends.

   I was stood alongside my squad, waiting patiently on the sideline for our cue to begin our routine. It wasn't a long routine, just enough to introduce our star football team.

   "Good evening, Riverdale!!" Mayor McCoy cheered into the microphone, causing applause. "Thank you all for showing up!! Even in such terrible weather, it's warming to know how dedicated this town is!!" She exclaimed. "I'm happy to introduce Riverdale High's River Vixens, accompanied by my daughter Josie and her pussycats!!" She cheered. The large crowd erupted in cheers and applause as we made our way into the field and took our places. As if on cue, the rain began falling down. As Josie began singing and we began our routine, the storm became heavier.

   I'd done this routine plenty of times so it wasn't surprising that it seemed as though it was done and over with within seconds. The crowds screams filled our ears as we exited the field and the Bulldogs and the opposing team entered it.

   "Ugh! This rain is awful!" Cheryl exclaimed once we finally reached the locker room.

   "Are you coming with us to Pops after the game, Betty?" Veronica asked as she changed into her usual dark blue designer dress. Veronica Lodge. The New York heiress. She and her mother moved here our sophomore year of high school and she quickly became one of my best friends. With her raven hair and dark beauty, all the boys fell for her. But she only choose one, Archie. The boy next door. Literally. Archie Andrews has been my next door neighbor for as long as I can remember. We grew up together.

   "Not this time, I have to head to the Blue and Gold to finish up a few things." I explained as I pulled on some dry clothes. She pouted at me as we both closed our lockers.

   "Well. Be careful, boo. Text me when you're home and maybe we can go out tomorrow?" She offered with a smile. I smiled back at her before we parted ways. I've never been one to watch the full game after performing. I usually head home or, like I'm doing tonight, head to the Blue and Gold to hide.

   The Blue and Gold school newspaper. My newspaper. I brought it back up and running in my sophomore year and have been managing it ever since. It's my safe haven.

   Pushing the old door open, the loud creaking filling my ears, I was instantly at ease. With its crappy lighting and old computers, I knew I had nothing to worry about here. The mail bin was empty, having checked it this morning, so I decided I might as well get a head start on my article about the upcoming anniversary. 100 years that Riverdale has been a town. Doesn't sound too significant right? Well, it is to the mayors office. About three days ago I was approached by Mayor McCoy and principle Whetherbee and commissioned to write an article about Riverdales 100 years. It didn't sound too bad though, I had no clue what to say. It's Riverdale! Nothing bad or exciting ever happens here.

   Staring at the bright computer screen, my head had began pounding. Usually I'm quick to write a good article, but this one stumped me. Leaning back in the old wooden chair, I sighed heavily. Though suddenly, the familiar loud creak of the door filled my ears. By now the football game was nearly over, cars gradually leaving, making the school scarce. I looked up to be met with a pair of dark eyes, hidden under pieces of curly black hair and a crown like beanie.

   "Sorry to interrupt..." he stated softly. Jughead Jones. The quiet, soft spoken man from the shadows. In the many years I've known him, we've barely ever even spoken.

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