Chapter Eight

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Halloween. Many people's favorite day of the year. For children it's a day for dressing as your favorite princess or super hero, for adults it's watching the joy on children's faces and for teenagers, it's dressing in either the funniest, sexiest or scariest costumes and drinking until you pass out at a party. I've always liked Halloween, the feeling it brings me. Seeing the joy in so many people faces fills me with a small amount of joy, of warmth. The type of warmth I almost never feel.

The day has gone by faster than usual, being filled with the holiday spirit instead of school work. Each grade had worked for days trying to create the most elaborate decorations, of course the seniors coming out victorious. With our mix of IT and The Nightmare Before Christmas, we filled our hallway with hand crafted decorations along with expensive store bought ones, covering our visitors in fake blood and fake spiders.

It was a cloudy Thursday, dark ominous clouds hung over head, threatening to pour the rain that fills them out onto us. The school day had ended as everyone rushed home to prepare for the annual Halloween Ball at Cheryl's mansion. Due to the fact I couldn't get ready in my house, Veronica took it upon herself to give me a Halloween makeover at hers.

"I'm so happy you're coming tonight!! This is going to be the absolute best!" She exclaimed as she began the finishing touches on my makeup. I chuckled as a response. "And.... done!" She squealed. Standing to my feet, heels taller than I'm used to causing my legs to instantly hurt, V and I walked to her full body mirror to examine out Halloween costumes. Veronica posed in a black pencil skirt that ended just below the knees with black heels, her collared shirt purple with white buttons and her black hair slightly curled with bangs hanging over her forehead. While the costume would make most look awkward, she manages to pull it off with ease. I posed in a mid shin length dark green puffy skirt, a long sleeve body hugging shirt with a white collar and a white belt. My bright blonde hair was curled and hair sprayed in place above my shoulders, my bangs dramatic.

As I look at myself in this weird 50s style costume, I'm able to think of myself as pretty for once. Staring at myself in this large mirror, posing for pictures with my best friend, I finally feel beautiful. Even knowing this costume and makeup hide such horrors and bruises.

"So, B." Veronica starts as we take a seat on her bed in wait for the boys. "How are you?" She asks weirdly. Her voice is soft, worried.

"I'm good.... why?" I ask awkwardly. She lets out a deep sigh, pulling my hand into hers and rubbing it reassuringly.

"When Jughead went back to make sure you were okay the other day... it brought up an argument we had a few years back....." she started, her eyes filling with sadness and fear. "Jughead talked to me.... please don't be mad at him!!! He just.... he doesn't know what to do, B." She explains.

"Do about what?" I ask, though I know exactly what she's talking about.

"How long has your dad been doing this, B? Why haven't you told anybody? Or left! You know I'm always here for you.." she explained. Her deep brown eyes begin to fill with tears as she watches my reaction. How could I be mad at her? Or Jughead for that matter! All they want to do is help.... but I know what would happen if they did.

"I can't leave my mom alone with him, V. Plus he's friends with Sheriff Keller, no one would ever believe me... I never wanted anyone to find out. If he knows that other people know he'll kill them.. and me" I explain.

"Betty... you're 18.... I know you don't want to leave your mom but... you're in danger.. you need to start thinking about your safety first.." she explains. "When Jughead told me, he was so angry. I honestly thought he was going to go and kill your father" she points out. I can't help but chuckle at her words. While I know Jughead vowed to protect me, I could never allow him to put himself in that type of danger.

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