Chapter Five

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   The halls were bustling with busy students rushing to help begin preparations for most people favorite holiday, Halloween. It was a tradition here that the school be decorated differently in each section, a contest being held to see who's was best. Yet another thing I've never been apart of.

   The unusual warmth of yesterday had disappeared, replaced by heavy rain fall once again. The sound of each rain drop splattering on the roof provided a calming sensation inside me as I sat in the Blue and Gold room. The dim lights shown on all surfaces, the slight light from outside peeking through the open blinds. This Saturday, November 2nd, is the day Riverdale has been known for 100 years. Which makes Friday my deadline for the article. Being reminded by principle Whetherbee and Mayor McCoy every few hours truly causes my writers block.

   What am I really supposed to write about? I could stay generic, writing about all that Riverdale has to offer. It's above average residents, scrumptious foods and olden scenery. Stay true to what Mayor McCoy instructed me to do. Or I could write the truth, the horrors this town has brought. The drama it's residents live through on a daily basis. Between the war that has been brewing for years between the North and South side and the most recent tragedy regarding a young boy being slaughtered. Do I stay generic, as to not scare the town? Or do I write the truth?

   Suddenly the large wooden door swung open, Veronica and Cheryl clicking their way into the room. The schools well known frenemies, constantly competing with each other but would also do anything for each other.

   "Hello sweet cousin, long time no talk" Cheryl said as she and Veronica took seats in the chairs in front of my desk. Cheryl Blossom, the riches student Riverdale has ever known. Known for her last name and striking red hair, people fear her. And with good reason. The events of sophomore year changed her life forever. To cut the story short, her sophomore year of high school was hijacked by her own father murdering her twin brother, her father then killing himself and her mother leaving town. She was left with everything, including the money, emancipated and changed forever. Her only family turning out to be me.

   "Hi Cheryl" I said, forcing a smile. "Hey V" she smiled back.

   "It has come to my attention that you have never attended one of my Halloween parties!" Cheryl exclaimed. My eyes widened in confusion and horror. "You're coming this year."

   "Cheryl, I...."

   "No buts, cousin!" She interrupted, standing to her feet. Her cherry red heels making her about a inch taller than me. "V has graciously offered to take you costume shopping, along with a few others. I hope you'll choose something that peaks my interest!" She exclaimed as she made her way back to the door. "See you ladies on Thursday!" She said before sending an air kiss our way and disappearing back into the school hallway.

   "What just happened?" I asked with a chuckled as I turned towards Veronica.

   "You've been practically summoned by her to attend her party" she laughed. While i forced a laugh, my heart began skipping. Fear began coursing through my veins. "So grab your things and lets go, bestie!"

   "V, I'm not good with costumes.." I groaned as I followed her demand, grabbing my purse and putting on my jacket.

   "That is why I am here to help!! This year she's judging people couples costumes!" She exclaimed excitedly as we neared the main school door. My eyes widened.

   "Then why am I going? I'm not a couple!" I pointed out. The heavy metal door swung open, the rain falling before us. V pulled out an umbrella for us before we merited towards her car, driven by her butler Smithers.

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