Chapter Twelve

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100 years of Riverdale. 100 years this town has been known, visited by tourists, occupied by rich families. 100 years of war between which side is more important. 100 years of lies and deceit, of hatred and anger.

The day was cold, the snow having yet to stop since it started yesterday. The town was quiet, finishing themselves up before heading to the town halls jubilee. The Blue and Gold room was dark, computers sleeping as no one had touched them in a day. Evening had soon come as I sat here finishing up my rewrite of the anniversary article. Every since my encounter with Mayor McCoy yesterday, seeing the way she hid the truth about the Southside, I couldn't stop thinking about whether or not I'd written the best article I could. Yes, I was approached by the mayor herself to write the article along with my principle, asking me to write about all the amazing things this town has to offer. But the more I found out about this town and the more I've opened my eyes, all I see is hatred and wars. I couldn't lie to myself about the town so how could I lie to everyone else about it?

The jubilee was set to start in half an hour, giving me enough time to oversee the finished article printing. Sitting at the large desk, my phone began ringing causing me to jump.

"Hello?" I answered the unknown number.

"Is this Betty Cooper?" An odd voice asked. It took me a moment but I soon realized who was on the other end.

"Yes this is"

"This is Dr. Curdle, you contacted me in regards to Ben Buttons autopsy report?" He asked.

"Yes, I wanted to know the cause of death" I explained as I got a pen and paper ready.

"And I know I'll be receiving a payment from you?" He asked. With a role of my eyes I said yes. "Well. When Benjamin Button was first brought in all we received was his torso and legs, though his feet had been sawed off and one of his hands and his decapitated head." He began explained. My eyes widened in horror as my stomach churned nauseously. "You would think that dismemberment was the cause of death, right? It wasn't! Upon more... digging... I found large amounts of pufferfish venom. Along with strangulation marks on what was left of his neck." He explained.

"But couldn't those marks on his neck have been from the decapitation?" I asked.

"That's what I thought at first, but I was able to find the distinct marks for a saw higher up the neck. Small trace amounts of fiber were found around some bruising, indicating the boy was strangled after being given the poison by some sort of clothing." He explained. My head was spinning as I wrote down the information. How could anyone do something so awful and gruesome to another person?

"Thank you Dr. Curdle. I'll be in contact if I have any more questions" I said with a small sigh.

"Of course, Miss Cooper" he said before hanging up the phone. I felt as though chills were constantly running through my body as my mind replayed the conversation. I snapped my head up at the sound of the Blue and Gold door opening, it's squeak likely filling the whole school. While the room was dark in the dim light, I was able to make out that all so familiar crown beanie. Standing to my feet as Jughead allowed the door to close behind him I went to meet him half way. He was in a dark blue button up shirt, black slacks and black suspenders. His hair was as curly as usual hidden under the beanie. I'd never seen him so formal before, my heart skipped a beat at the sight.

   "Woah.... you look gorgeous" he awed as he looked at me up and down. I was in an ankle length dress, semi-skin tight with a deep v neck and straps that cross from my right. Paired with some strapped black heels and my hair down with some curls. I could feel my cheeks become hot as I chuckled nervously at his remark.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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