Chapter Eleven

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   The ride to our destination was quick. As he turned right, the smooth road became bumpy and harsh. Pot holes filled with snow illuminated by numerous neon signs. The Whyte Wyrm. A biker bar on the Southside of Riverdale. I remember being a kid, always driving past this bar as we went to visit my grandparents. I always admired the fluorescent signs, the way they light up the run down building forcing an unknown beauty. Little to my child like knowledge, it's home to the Southside Serpents.

   "You can stay in the car if you want" Jughead stated in a harsh voice as he stopped the car next to a line of motorcycles.

   "No, I'm coming with you" I said before pushing the door open and hopping out. Landing on the newly fallen snow, the brisk air smacked my face. As I followed his lead my heart began pounding. Entering the bar, the painted black door slamming behind us, the loud chatter quickly stopped as all eyes turned towards us. While I probably looked like a lost puppy, Jughead walked forward with the stance of an angry king. I don't even need to look at his face to know his eyebrows are furrowed and his icy blue eyes were now black. Soon, we were at the other end of the bar, facing the same guy as last night along with an older blonde lady.

   "I thought I made myself very clear last night, Malachi" Jughead stated as everyone gathered around the Ghoulie and the blondie. "What are you doing here?" He asked. Suddenly my wrist was grabbed. I turned to be met with Cheryl, her bright red leather jacket filling my eyes.

   "What are you doing here?" She whispered.

   "I came with Jug..." I answered, though the anger in her voice sent fear through my heart. Not of her but of the situation I might be getting myself into.

   "We're here for our payment" the blonde girl answered. As I watched Malachi, his sickened smile widened.

   "Shouldn't surprise me that you joined the Ghoulies, Penny" Jughead said with a shake of his head. "You always were a betrayer"

   "Ha! Well Jones, after you and your hounds skinned off my tattoo and exiled me, I figured why not join forces with the enemy?" She exclaimed. Skinned? My heart began pounding more as I studied the girl. She had on a jean jacket like Malachi, her left forearm baring a huge scar.

   "You got what you deserved for betraying us and breaking our rules" he pointed out. "Now what do you want? Money?"

   "That..... but I also want something else. You see, when your daddy became Serpent king he had promised me the Serpent queen! We all see how well that turned out" she began saying. Why was I here? Why did I demand to come to a place where I have no business being?

   "You want to be the Serpent queen?" Jug said with a laugh. "Sorry Penny, I'm not interested"

   "Ohh no!" She said with a laugh as she walked closer to Jughead. "I don't want to be the queen anymore..... I just want the Serpents" her words caused everyone to stop, all hearts became silent. "Your daddy broke me, you stripped me of everything, and now I came to collect" I watched as Jughead walked closer to her, his breathing heavy. Anger radiated off of him like steam from a tea pot.

   "You're owed nothing. Because you are nothing" he said. As I watched him, I didn't know who I was watching. Penny began laughing, a high pitches laugh like nails on a chalk board.

   "You can't hurt me Jughead. But I can hurt you" she stated. "You think we don't know about your little Northside princess?" She said motioning to me. He barely turned to me as she began walking closer. "Betty Cooper. Apart of one of the richest families Riverdale has to offer!! She'd be worth a pretty penny on the black market" she said as she swiped her finger under my chin. Before I knew it, Cheryl had pushed Penny away, only causing her to laugh more.

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