Chapter Ten

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The first day of the new month arrived with a bang. The usually black asphalt streets were covered in slushy brown snow, the grass blanketed in bright white. Temperatures had dropped to below freezing as the clouds above poured out its weightless snow.

The school day had sped by, filled with preparations for tomorrows 100th Anniversary of Riverdale. While the town hosts a party every year, this year its bigger. Everyone is to come dressed in their best gowns and tux's, feast on the finest food Riverdale has to offer and sit through speeches of all kinds. So it's pretty much a small town awards show.

   "Miss Cooper" Mayor McCoy stated as she trotted into the Blue and Gold classroom. Her heels slapped the ground gently, her long black winter coat covering her dress suit.

   "Hi Mayor McCoy" I said with a smile as I pushed myself to my feet to meet her hard gaze. "Cold weather today"

   "That it is! But it'll only make tomorrow's jubilee more wonderful. You will be attending, correct?" She asks as she stops just feet in front of my desk.

   "I will, my mother was asked to make a speech?" I ask. "She's very excited."

   "All of Riverdales finest will be giving a speech, speaking to Riverdales qualities and what we have to offer." She explains as though I'm a new investor she's trying to snatch. As I watch her, listening to her talk about 'Riverdales Finest', only one thing flows through my head. Our Mayors office only sees Riverdales finest as those who live on the Northside. Those who are rich beyond belief and have something to offer Riverdale in the form of money.

   "Will anybody from the Southside be giving any speeches?" I ask before I'm able to stop myself. Her previous smile drops a bit as her eyes connect with mine. Annoyance flashes through her as she tries to find the words to say. "I mean, since they are apart of Riverdale..."

   "We've reached out to a few people but have not had any luck. They'll still be attending but, only formally." She explains with one of the fakest smiles I've witness in my life. The room falls silent as we just look at each other, but forcing fake smiles. "I trust you've finished the article?"

   "Almost, I just have to do some editing. It'll be out by the end of the day" I explain, knowing well that I do have it finished. Though as I stand here, I know what needs to be changed.

   "Perfect!! Well, I look forward to reading it and seeing you tomorrow night!" She exclaims before turning on her knock off heels and walking out of the room. Growing up on the Northside, I've always been witness to how people feel about the Southside. Those born on the Northside feel as though they're better because they're richer and the houses look nicer. Because that's what has been etched into our brains. But that's not how I feel, not how I want to feel.

   "B, I need answers!!" Veronica's familiar voice stated as she entered the room.  She quickly plopped down on the chair in front of me as the large door slammed shut behind her. My eyes were wide with confusion as I looked at her.

   "What are you talking about??" I asked.

   "Okay... please don't judge me..... Reggie and I.... we slept together...." she says before covering her face in embarrassment. I couldn't tell whether she wanted to cry or laugh. My eyes widened in shock.

   "What!? When!?" I exclaimed as I leaned forward.

   "Last night.... at Cheryl's party.... w-we were drinking and Cheryl let us take one of the rooms since we couldn't drive... we just kept talking and.. then we kissed and it just went from there..." she explained. As I watched her, she couldn't stop looking at her fiddling fingers. "How awful am I?"

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