Chapter Nine

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"JONES!!!" A familiar voice screamed behind me, causing Betty and I to jump apart. The music quickly paused, the chatter along with it as I stood to my feet and turned to be met with his devilish dark eyes, painted over with black paint. Malachi Ortiz. The self appointed leader of the the Greendale Ghoulies. A gang that occupies the small town of Greendale on the other side of Sweet Water River. Filled with actual criminals and drug dealers, they're known for their souped up cars, bedazzled jean jackets and crazed family of leaders. The Ortiz's have been the leading family of the gang for as long as I or anyone can remember. Minus Malachi, the most recent leader had been found dead in his home, more than likely caused by an overdose. He was Malachis father. "You think you can just break our deal just because your daddy's out of town!?" He yelled as he pushed me backward.

   "What are you talking about?!" I yelled back, returning the gesture. He fell back, the slightest bit of fear flashing in his eyes.

   "You were told to stay off our turf and we'd stay off yours!! And yet I find two of your pieces of trash doing business in Greendale!" He yells. My blood is boiling, the smell of smoke and alcohol emanating off of every Ghoulies member.

   "How would you know? You're too high to even know what day it is" Cheryl groans, annoyance radiating through her voice. His eyes stayed glued to mine as the others stepped forward towards Cheryl, Toni instantly stepping up as well.

"You better keep your bitches in line, Jones." He threatened, pointing his finger towards Cheryl and Toni.

"Excuse your misogynistic tongue!? I'll give you something to complain about!" Cheryl exclaimed.

"Cheryl, stop. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Malachi. But if I were you, I'd leave before you create anymore of a problem" I demanded. His eyes filled with even more anger as he let out an evil chuckle. Standing here, everyone who attends my high school, everyone who knows me only as the loner outsider, everyone's eyes plastered to me. Including hers. Those emerald green eyes, staring at my back, staring at me in horror as I stand against a known gang member.

"You created a problem when you let your little Serpents do business on my turf! Now I'm here to collect what's mine" he demanded as he pulled out a switch blade, signaling his people to do the same. Almost instantly the sharp sound of Sweetpea and Fangs' blades filled my ears. "15 against 5? HA!" He laughed. I couldn't help myself but to smile knowingly.

   "I wouldn't be too sure" I chuckled as Serpents pushed their way through the large crowd of high schoolers, weapons in hand. Surrounding the small group of Ghoulies, they had nowhere to run. "You're on my turf now. Making threats.... probably not the best idea" I stated as I walked closer to him. His eyes glazed over in fear as he stared back at me. His breathing was heavy, his heart more than likely beating rapidly. "I'll ask around, see if anyone knows anything. But make no mistake Malachi, come on my turf, threaten me or any of my people again, I will kill you" I threatened, only inches from his face.

"Fine..... but just know, you're not King yet Jones." He stated before slowly backing up and turning on his heels. His greasy long brown hair bounced with every step as he and his goons slowly exited the house.

   "Okay, everyone!! Back to the party!!" Cheryl demanded, trying to get everyone's eyes off of me mainly. Standing here, my blood slowly simmering down, my body filled with fear and embarrassment. But why? I've never been embarrassed to be apart of the Serpents, they're my family. I would die for them as they would for me. Even Sweetpea! The Serpents are my life, and soon I'll be their king. So why am I filled with such embarrassment?

   "Jug...." Toni's voice said behind me. "You okay?" She asked, her eyes staring back at me with worry. I shrugged as my eyes traveled over to Betty. She was sat with the others, laughing about something unknown. Her smile brought a warmth to me that I've never felt before, it made me want to smile as well. "You really like her, don't you?" She asked, noticing my staring.

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