warmth not even fire can emulate

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i am still learning what it is to lengthen my words
if, maybe, i had just more to say
i could have tied the syllables into a rope and held you as close as you needed me to

we don’t talk
though, you may be proud to learn that i finally know how to say what’s on my mind
you wouldn’t ever want to hear these smoldering thoughts
or maybe you would and i am mistaken
but i will not share them with you because you already know that i can’t ever give you what it is that you want

i would hope you don’t want to be burned by these embers that stay lit
and i would hope you don’t mind that i do
you do not need to worry about it though
they cannot spark back into the flame that once roared in what i wish to be both of our hearts
and they do not burn with a passion that scars

when enough time passes we will have grown far enough apart from each other that the heat radiating from our hearts will meet with stagnant air
i do not fear this day
and i do not fear you
but i do fear what it will be like to inhale the remaining ashes

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