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   My eyes blurring out Deku grabbed my hand and checked to see if I was hurt. I couldn't hear a thing, my (H/C) long hair covered my face. I looked at Deku trying to keep my left eye covered with my hair. "(Y/N) are you ok?! Are you hurt?!" Deku said concerned. "I'm fine" I said the blurriness going away. "Are we still in the U.S.J" Deku asked helping me up. "Yeah I think we're in the shipwreck zone" Su said looking around. My hands shaking water was one of my fears my father never taught me how to swim. Deku looked at me and patted my head "(Y/N) you'll be fine" He said with a smile.

His smile made my hands stop shaking I felt something. It was a feeling I'd never felt before this feeling felt warm. As we came up with a plan to get back to the others Deku realized they didn't know what our quirks were. He realized it when Mineta got scared and started throwing his sticky balls. They were afraid to touch them because they didn't know what they were. Since I never showed my quirk to my dad he wasn't able to tell them what my quirk was.

When we came up with a plan we were able to escape. Just as we got there Mr. Aizawa was about to be killed. I used my devils magic and used a shadow to put the Nomu thing in the ground. No one noticed but I could feel my left eye bleeding. Whenever I use my devils side my eye bleeds. I ripped part of my costume and put it over my left eye and covered it back up with my hair. A person with hands everywhere on him appeared in front of us and was about to use his quirk on Su. Little did he know Mr. Aizawa used his quirk as the Nomu knocked him out right after he saved Su. I covered my mouth when I saw how beaten and bloody Mr. Aizawa was. Just then All Might came and was quickly attacked by Nomu.

  My father walked in front of me bloody I could tell his quirk was active. "(Y/N)!" Deku yelled as my father grabbed me by the hair. My fathers quirk gets rid of fighting spirit to whoever he touches. I couldn't even struggle because of his quirk. He dropped me and stepped on my head as he laughed. "You bastard get off her!!" Deku yelled getting angry. My eye turned red as a shadow threw him off me. "So you're finally using your quirk" my father said wiping blood off his mouth. I didn't speak as my eye went to black and red. My face had black and red markings on it. Another shadow threw my father to the floor.I couldn't here anyone I was locked inside myself. I couldn't control myself anymore.

   Three shadows started tearing my fathers skin off. I felt Deku grab my hand as I was back in control. I looked at Deku my eyes turning normal and the markings disappearing. "D-Deku" I stuttered in my words as I fell backwards Deku catching me. After that everything went black.
(Dekus POV)
Her hands were as cold as ice. Her body was still she didn't move an inch. All Might was trying to get to us. As I noticed that (Y/N)'s father wasn't conscious. (Y/N) was pail her left eye not covered like it usually is it was bleeding. I pulled her closer to me trying to keep her warm. "What did you do" I whispered in her ear a tear rolling down my face. I put her down looking at All Might who was about to be exposed. I clenched my fist and decided to attack. I flew at the enemy but a hand appeared in front of me the hand was the same as the one who almost killed Mr. Aizawa. Just before the hand grabbed me it was shot by one of the pros. They were here and we were saved. I couldn't move my legs so I couldn't go back over to (Y/N).
(Time skip in recovery girls office)
I wasn't even worried about myself recovery girl said that she wasn't able to to anything to help (Y/N). She was still pail and I could tell she was still cold as well.
I went to sleep hoping (Y/N) would be awake in the morning.

(Your POV)
   I opened my eyes Deku next to me on the other bed. I looked at my hand remembering what happened and how I lost control. I dropped my hand and started to cry. "If I cant even control my own quirk I'll never be able to be a hero" I said tearing up. "Don't say that you have more then what it takes to be a hero" Deku said turning to face me. I was still pail but I wasn't as cold as I was when I woke up. My tears fell even more and I cried even more thinking how I could've hurt Deku. Just the thought of that broke me my heart racing. Deku got out of his bed to comfort me. His hands were warm and I was still freezing to him so he put me under the covers and calmed me down to the point I fell asleep.

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