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  We got to the school grounds and looked at the people upping the security. "You know you guys didn't have to come right" I said as I saw everyone behind me. "Your our friend we do what friends do" Kirishima said with a smirk. "Jacob you have to stay here since you don't have a student ID" I said stopping Jacob before he went in. "Ok" he said looking down. We started to walk in when something snapped in me I stopped and just stood there in shock. "(Y/N)" Deku said walking over to me everyone else turning around. My body started to burn as I watched the markings on my body get thicker. Something was coming towards us and it wasn't friendly. I pushed Deku aside and in the spot he was just in I was shot by a bullet that came from somewhere aiming at Deku. I tried to keep my balance as I fell backwards Jacob didn't care he didn't have an ID he quickly came in and caught me before I hit the ground. The bullet hit my heart as it started beating slower and I was slowly losing consciousness. "(Y/N)!!" I heard Deku scream before everything went black.
(Deku's POV)
"Can you hear me say something" I was in tears and so was Her brother. "HURRY AND GET RECOVERY GIRL" I scream and they started hurrying to recovery girls office. She wasn't breathing and I couldn't feel her pulse I was afraid that the worst had happened. Her brother put her in my arms as he was forced out of the school. I kissed her on the lips tears flooding my eyes. I slowly pulled away from the kiss but I felt a hand pull me in for me to keep kissing her. The pull went away as I pulled away to see (Y/N) with her eyes open and the wound healed her hand on my face smiling.

(Your POV)
He looked at me in shock pulling closer to him. "I'm sorry to worry you I didn't mean too" I said in his chest. He hugged me tightly as he cried. "It's ok I'm fine" I try to comfort him. "The markings on me healed me so I'm fine please don't cry" I say giving him another kiss. He was starting to stop crying I smiled knowing he was not harmed and I was the one who got hit. Everyone came back with recovery girl behind them. They all became shocked to see me awake. "She seems fine to me" Recovery Girl said. They all hugged me not noticing that I had a hole in my torso. After they broke from the hug Deku gave me his jacket so no one would see my chest. I giggled and was happy it smelled like Deku it was nice. I got up looking around for where the bullet came from. The snap sensation came back as it was aiming for Deku again I quickly grabbed him and the bullet grazed my arm. This time I saw where it came from and quickly ran over there. "(Y/N) wait it's dangerous" Deku tried to get through to me. I look to where the shot came from and saw the cat that we adopted with a bloody mouth and a dead guy with a gun. "Good kitty" I said picking it up. I walked back to the group everyone looking puzzled to why the kitty was back there and why it had blood on it's mouth. "Did it follow us" Deku asked. I nodded as I wiped the blood off its mouth.

   "What did that cat do exactly" Recovery Girl asked puzzled. "Let's just say the person who tried shooting us, his hearts in kitty's stomach" I said looking at kitty as it liked the name I was calling it. "It's a devil cat" Mina screamed in excitement. I just laughed at Mina's comment about Kitty. Deku started to pet Kitty it purred. "We made the right choice of keeping it although we should teach it to just knock out villains" Deku said. I nodded in agreement. I looked at the markings on me and decided I liked them so we all just went back to Deku's house.

{Villain or hero} Deku x reader Where stories live. Discover now