Flashback Part 3

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*speaking to microphone and to readers*

Hi. I'm Calum Hood.



Anyways now I will tell you how I became who I am today........ in sexuality...... I mean....... I wear beanies.....

Long ago, when I was about 14.... I really like this girl, right?

And she called herself, Jenny. Jenny was a pretty girl, and she was nice too. Really nice. I mean super nice that every boy wanted her back then. But what I knew that everyone else didn't was....


I'm going insane... I know... But it was crazy you know? When a 14 year old girl, and a 17 year old guy... date.... is that bad?

I mean I didn't know since I had no experience in relationships like that. I was literally just getting out of middle school!!!

I was hard because she seemed so happy with her boyfriend, and he was so nice, my brain wanted to imagine what it was like dating a guy.

My brain is stupid. Yes. Calum Hood's 14 year old brain is so stupid he wasn't even thinking about school anymore. It was just 'If Calum Hood, a 14 year old boy, could get a guy to like him, and date him' type of thing.

And thats when William (RANDOM NAME I PROMISE) came in.

He, William Anderson, came out as bisexual, a few days after school started. I thought he would get bullied and everything, but I was completely wrong. He was always a happy go fucking damn boy, who I soon liked at the 4th month of school.

Calum was still an idiot yes. But I confessed to him, in music, alone. 

His reaction made me a bit happy.

"Well guess what, Cal? I kinda like you too."

An swarm of butterflies exploded in my chest and I grinned. He was the person I wanted to be with... Forever.


Soon after we graduated junior year, he moved on from me, to be with another guy, Daniel. Daniel was a cool guy but eh... I don't really like him. And soon I met a new kid, Michael, who soon became my best friend of all time.

So yeah! I had a boyfriend for about two years. and it felt awesome, though I was considered the girl in that relationship.

I wish those memories all washed away though. William, was already with Daniel, so I was cheated on.... Greaaat.....

But thats all I have to say.

Thank you all for listening to my flashback.

This wasn't even an audio book Calum... Fucking hell...


an: Thank you guys so much for 8k on this book!!!

I feel so accomplished that I've gone this far. It means sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....... much!!!

You all are so amazing readers. I love you all so diggity darn much fuck.

I hope you guys have a great and wonderful day/afternoon/night!

I'll give updating on a daily basis a try.

And thank you all for reading! 

bye bye piglet-sama-san-chan <- thats you. c-:

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