Chapter 10

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Feyre POV

I wake up still wrapped in the familiar warmth of Rhys' arms. Carefully, I shift to face him. He looks so peaceful, I hate to wake him, no, actually I really don't we got stuff to do. I grab one of the many pillows piled on our bed and wack him across the face with it. "Hey! What was that for?"

"We go work to do. You were asleep. So I woke you up." I say sweetly,  planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Oh. I see. So because you woke up before me and think our work is more important than my sanity you hit me with a pillow."

"What does any of this have to do with your sanity?"

Just then Mor bangs on our bedroom door "Get your lazy asses out of bed and downstairs! There's something you're gonna want to see."

I shoot Rhys a look that says "we'll finish this conversation later," and jump out of bed, quickly changing into my usual leggings and sweater.

An unconscious figure is lying on the couch in the living room. I walk closer and see that the figure is Varian, turning to Mor I ask, "Does Amren know?"

"Cass is headed over to her apartment now. Oh, and we found this note beside him."

I take the note from Mor, it reads:
Give us what we want and no one else needs to get hurt. uvtu ynql, pbzr nybar, jrnire pnova. You have until sundown.

I pass the note to Rhys, after he reads it he looks up and says "What's with the weird scramble of letters in the middle?"

"I don't know. Could it be another language?" I ask.

"Where is he?" Amren storms in, her normal cool and collected demeanor forgotten.

"He's here. He doesn't seem to be to badly injured, the worst is his head." Azriel says emerging from the shadows.

"Ugh. W-what happened?" Varian groans, trying and failing to sit up.

"You were attacked. We found you outside a few minutes ago. You should be fine, probably just a minor concussion." Azriel informs  Varian.

"Are you sure it's just a concussion? We should have Madja check him over just in case." Amren worries.

I've never seen her like this, based off of the looks on everyone else's faces I don't think they've ever seen her like this either. I walk over to her and place my hands on her shoulders, she tenses but doesn't push me away. "Amren, Varian will be fine. Whoever did this clearly didn't want to hurt anyone, there would be a lot more obvious injuries if they did. They just wanted to send a message, literally."

Rhys passes her the note and she quickly reads it. "This is a very old tongue. I didn't think anyone alive today knew it." Amren says.

"So you can translate it then?" Rhys asks.

"Yeah. It says 'high lady, come alone, weaver's cabin.' Why would someone that wants to get to Feyre attack Varian? Wouldn't it make more sense to go for Rhys, Elain or Nesta?"

"They probably just went for the first person they could. Judging from the time limit I don't think personal attachment had a role in their choice." I say.

"It doesn't matter why they attacked who they attacked, you're not going." Rhys growls.

"I agree. It's too dangerous." Nesta says.

"They just said I have to come alone, they didn't say anything about being armed."

"It's still too dangerous. Whatever these people want, it's not worth the risk." Rhys says.

"Rhys! I can fight. I'll keep you updated through the bond. If anything goes wrong you guys can be there at a moment's notice. It's not worth the risk of another person getting hurt. I'm going and that's final." I hated using that voice, the voice of a high lady, especially with my family but I had to. I couldnt let another person I care about get hurt.

Rhys looks at me with such worry in his eyes, of course he's worried, he has every right to be. His mate and unborn child are going to meet with unknown enemies. "I'll be careful. You'll know everything as soon as it happens."  I face him, placing a hand on his cheek and resting my forehead against his. "I love you." I say kissing him.

"I love you too."

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