Chapter 26

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Feyre POV

Immediately following the duel a meeting is called. We gather in a war tent. Most of the High Lords are scowling and Keir looks far too pleased for my liking.

"What the hell just happened?" I ask, sitting.

"Like you expect us to believe this wasn't planned." Kallias accuses.

"Kal," Vivianne says, reaching out to him. He ignores her.

"You really think I wanted this? Do you forget how desperate I was to get away from this place just a few years ago? And now you think I planned to take over?"

"Perhaps," Keir muses, "the Lady hasn't been entirely honest. Perhaps it was not her the magic went to, but her child."

Everyone tenses, Rhys snarls. A Suriel strolls in, laughing.

"First off," The Suriel drawls, turning to Keir. "Who asked you?"

Keir recovers from his shock quickly and pulls out a knife. The Suriel laughs again.

"Violence won't be necessary. I'm only here to... clear some things up."

"Are you hungry, my friend?" I ask, waving my hand. A small feast appears on the table, a fine cloak lying beside it.

The Suriel smiles, replacing it's old cloak for the new one. "As you can see," The Suriel says, digging into the feast, "the High Lady is one of very few who has ever shown a shred of kindness to my people. So, when someone insults her or insinuates that she is not honorable, we find it necessary to step in."

The other courts gape. "It pays to befriend the monsters." I say.

"You really expect us to believe that just because she's been kind to you, you won't hurt the rest of us?" Kallias demands.

"My people are not naturally violent." The Suriel replies. "Once, we lived in peace. Freely trading knowledge for food and clothing. But the High Fae got greedy. They decided that if we didn't provide them with the knowledge they sought, they would take our lives. So we learned to fight, learned to use our natural gifts as weapons. We went into hiding and only traveled deep in the woods. Eventually, the few High Fae that continued to treat us fairly died and the truth faded. Now those who don't fear us, hunt us for sport."

"Enough stalling." Keir snaps. "Why are you here?"

"May I remind you," Rhys says, "that you don't actually have any authority here, Keir."

"As I said earlier," The Suriel answers, "I'm here to clear the Lady's name. The Night Court had no hand in tonight's events. The Spring High Lord had no living relatives. As you all know, the High Lady has a piece of all the High Lords magic. The Spring magic recognized that and went there."

"Is there a way to get rid of it?" I ask.

"If that is what you truly want, yes. But it will not be pleasant."

I nod. A conversation breaks out about who the next High Lord of Spring should be. I stare down at the table, idly tracing the patterns in the wood.

"You don't have to do this." Rhys' voice fills my head.

"Yes, I do." I reply. "When we were first mated, you told me that there would be a target on my back, on the backs of any children we would bear. If I keep this magic and the title that comes with it, that target will only get bigger. Besides, I never want to go back to that manor." I glance over at Rhys, he looks concerned.

"Okay." He says, taking my hand and kissing it.

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