Chapter 12

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Feyre POV

~a few days later~

I had been dreading this day since Rhys had told me we had to make a formal announcement, blah blah blah heir of the Night Court blah blah blah huge honour blah blah blah. I hated formal announcements and I hated going to the Court of Nightmares, but it was all a part of being High Lady.

"Are you ready darling?" Rhys asks, wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I take his hand and walk out to the balcony at the house of wind that we are making the announcement from.

"Hi people, I'm dad." Rhysand says. Well there goes the big speech he had planned. "It is our grape honour," he says summoning a handful of grapes from a pocket realm. "to announce that we are having a child. This child will be the pride and joy of prideian." Nope. He didn't mess up his speech, his speech is puns and dad jokes, I should've seen this coming. "We will raisin this child," he throws the grapes to the side and summons a handful of raisins. "to be fair-uh and honest." Gods Rhys, just stop already. "He, or she will usher in a new night." Cauldron, I have to stop this.

"Thank you Rhysand. I'm sure you will be driving us all crazy with your dad jokes for a very long time. We plan to continue running the court as usual, reparations from the damage done during the war will continue, we will still listen to any feedback you may have for us, and, if my over protective mate ever lets me out of the house after this, I will continue to teach classes at my art studio until the baby comes." A chuckle runs through the crowd at that.

"We hope you will be patient with us if we have to move around times for meetings, classes etcetera throughout the pregnancy and after the child is born. Thank you." Rhys finishes.

We turn and walk back into the house of wind. "See darling, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Rhys says, turning to face me.

"I suppose it wasnt terrible."

"See, what did I tell you, public speaking isn't so bad."

"Says you. Your entire speech was puns and dad jokes."

"Were you expecting anything different?"


"Only one more speech to go. This one isn't dad jokes. I promise. Though I still wish you'd agree to stay in Velaris."

"You know I can't do that. It's hard enough keeping Keir at bay as is, we can't let him think we're weak."

"I suppose your right darling."

We decided that Cassian, Azriel, Amren and Mor would join us on our trip to the Court of Nightmares. Cass and Az as security, Amren because although she is no longer the fire-monster she is still very intimidating and Mor because it'll piss off Keir.

"Ready to go?" Cassian says, biting into an apple.

"Do you ever stop eating? Honestly Cass, if I didn't know any better I'd think you were the pregnant one, the way you eat." I reply

"Sympathy hunger." He replies with a wink.

Rhys growls.

I turn to Rhys, "You know just as well as I do that he's not going to do anything," then turning to the inner circle I say, "Let's go."

We winnow to the entrance into the mountain and enter in rank, Rhys and I at the front flanked by Amren and Mor who were closely followed by Cass and Az.

The crowd parts as we make our way to the dais at the front of the hall. Rhys and I sit on our matching thrones, night incarnate and stars eternal. Amren and Az stand to the right of the dais, while Mor and Cass stand to the left.

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