Chapter 9

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Ashlyn, Scott, and Stiles had to wait in Sheriff's office for their parents to arrive and while they were waiting they got a call from Allison and were talking to her on speaker.

"If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing, then he probably doesn't know that someone's controlling him." Allison told them.

So Lydia ended up translating the bestiary and it turned out that the Kanima seeks a master. So someone has to be controlling Jackson.

"Or he doesn't remember." Ashlyn added.

"What if it's the same kind of thing that happened with Lydia when she took off from the hospital?" Stiles wondered.

"A fugue state?" Allison whispered.

"He'd have to forget everything. The murder -" Scott started.

"Getting rid of the blood." Ashlyn added.

"Yeah, he had help with one thing though - the video. And someone else helped him forget that." Stiles said.

"Whoever's controlling him." Scott stated.

"Are you sure Jackson has no clue about any of this?" Allison asked.

"He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia somehow delayed the whole thing." Stiles deadpanned.

"So do we try and convince him he's not?" Allison asked.

"If it helps us find out who's controlling him, then yeah." Scott sighed.

"Do you think he'll talk to us after what we did?" Ashlyn asked.

"Yeah, it's us. He'll talk to us. Right?" Stiles nodded.


"You will not go within 50 feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically." Sheriff Stilinski named off things from a clipboard.

Ashlyn's parents, Scott's mom and Jackson's dad were all sitting in the interrogation room.

"What about school?" Stiles asked.

"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50-foot distance." Mr. Stilinski explained.

"Bu - okay, what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're only right next to each other?" Stiles asked. Ashlyn rolled her eyes but bit her lip to keep from laughing, Scott did the same. "I'll just hold it." Stiles nodded.

Just then, everyone dispersed and Ashlyn's father grabbed her arm to lead her away from her boyfriend and Scott. They walked into the hallway and Ashlyn yanked her arm away but kept walking.

"That is it. We have put up with your acting out, staying out late, skipping school, and attitude for a while now. I am most certainly not going to deal with it anymore." Ashlyn's dad snapped, his face getting red with anger. "You are not going to be hanging out with that Stiles kid or Scott."

"You can't tell me that I can't see my friends. Or my boyfriend for that matter. I do go to public school. I am not about to let you do that to me." Ashlyn snapped back and tried to walk around her father.

"You're not going to ignore me this time Ashlyn." He spat.

"Rob." Ashlyn's mom scolded her father. "No matter what we say, she's gonna be around those boys. Especially Stiles."

"I am not going to let her get away with this." He snapped.

"She will be grounded for a week. But other than that there isn't much we can do!" Ashlyn's mom said. "She's 16 years old. We - you need to start treating her like she's 16. Not a child."

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