fragment I | letter to home

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The therapist says I should write a letter says it might help with expressing my thoughts , but I think she's a big joke, in fact I think everyone in here is a big joke so I wasn't going to do it  but the shrink says I can't move on with her until I write some  of my thoughts down and thats what you all want isn't it so I can move on and get better  and become fixed so you guys gan take me home and we'll all be a big happy family again? So here it goes, my letter to home 

I hate this fucking place I want to go home I want to see you and Jessie again I have missed you terribly since they restricted my visiting privileges so I couldn't see you until I got my "attitude" in check and didn't start fights with the other patients and since the fucking thing wasn't even my fault I shouldn't be the one at fault here but somehow I always am 

I swear the staff hate me here and they use every excuse to get me in trouble like Elliot is out of bed two minutes after lights out we better take his television off of him for a week. They're supposed to be fucking helping me and making me restore my faith in humanity once again, but that was total bullshit because they haven't done anything 

And I hate the food, please come and get me 

I promise I won't try to kill myself again

Hopefully I'll see you soon 

Your son 

Elliot xx

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