fragment ii | letter to my broken family

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I know you hate me right now and I wouldn't blame you if you hated me for the rest of your life's and I know I failed her when you put your trust in me that I'd look after her and god I tried I really did try but she made her decision and do I wish every waking moment that to was me that did that, instead of her?

Your damn right 

And I know if she'd never had met me we wouldn't be here would we? She wouldn't be gone and buried in the ground six feet under and rotting in the ground while I'm here begging you to forgive me for I have failed you both, Hunter I failed you're sister and for that I'm truly sorry  for your loss and I hope in time you'll forgive me for not being the right person to take care of your sister

Trevon I know I owe you money and when I get out of here I promise I will pay you back every single cent after all your going to the high school that I went to before my whole life was blown to hell thank my parents for that if you see them yeah? Because although I didn't know it at the time meeting you and Hunter was a one way road to meet the devil himself and I can't take it anymore 

But don't worry I wont tarnish Tori's memory by putting a bullet in my skull 

I think I'll leave that to you my friends 

You were my family once remember that

The one that you want to kill,


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