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RACHEL'S WORDS STUCK with me no matter how hard I tried to get them out of my head "Look Elliot if you don't want to get better I can't force you too, I can only guide you to get better and give you suggestions on how to do it"

The words were on a constant loop in my head no matter how much I tried to drown them out with a pair of headphones that were on way too loud, I just couldn't get them out. I hated Rachel but not for the reason that people around here may think I do, it was because she actually cared for me and wanted to see me get better and under the facade that I put on she could see that I was just a broken boy

And I hated her for it

But I suppose it was a good thing if I was trying to be logical and not just a moody teenager boy with his head not screwed on quite right because it meant that someone was in my corner someone who wanted me to get better and succeed in life because as much as I knew my parents loved me I also knew that they didnt want to come closer than ten feet towards me, because having a son who tried to commit suicide wouldn't look good for my dad's 'wholesome family' image 

He wasn't as bad as the Philip family, the lot of them were just a bunch of fake puppets that would fake a smile just to keep the money rolling in and to make it seem like they cared they would often donate money to charities and everyone seems to eat it up -- the little act that they do, my parents included -- but I can see them for who they really are 

A bunch of fucking fake bitches, that only care about themselves and their image

Of course image is important, everyone cares about their image in someway or another however how many people would put their image before their family? Like I said my dad isn't a bad guy, he's actually a pretty decent guy, he loves my sister and me like any father loves their child he just seems to care more about his image than his child -- well me anyway he dotes on Jessie like she's the apple of his eye.

It just makes me angry that he cares more about his image than he does his own son, which is fine I could put up with it when I wasn't so depressed and literally thinking of different ways that no one seem to notice until I was passed out on the floor with blood pouring from the slights on my wrists

Seeing red, I clench my fist and move it to go and punch a wall after punching it once I move my hand back to punch it once again but before I could gain momentum a hand wraps around my fist and pulls my backward causing my to take a few steps back and as I am forced to look up at the person who stopped me from taking my anger out on the wall

It's Tori 

Her brown eyes are soft and cornered but I can see the sharpness in them almost as if she was preparing herself for me to hit her and thats when I realised my fist was still clenched in her hand and I quickly uncurl my fist before stepping back 

"I'm sorry" I mumble my hand hanging down and I can't seem to find the courage to look her in the eye anymore which seems to amuse her at least somewhat as a smirk appears on her lips "I didn't mean to do that --- I was just so angry"  

She doesn't seem to be concerned "I mean it's therapy who wouldn't be angry--"

"No, no it's got nothing to do with therapy!" 

"Okay, so it's something to do with your family" Tori states like it's final

"How did you know that?" I raised an eyebrow "I didn't tell you anything!"

"Oh please" Tori laughs and the sound seems to bounce of the wall and it's light and airy in contrast to the dark look on her face and the bitterness in her tone "You didn't need to half of us in here are in here because we have problems with our family and you are no different, just because you think you are doesn't make it so, you aren't that special yes you try and hide the pain through this bad boy facade but I can see right through it"

"How?" I decide to press "How can you? -- you don't even know why I'm in here"

 Tori steps forward closer to me so that I could feel her breath on my neck and she reaches her hand up so that it was touching my cheek and she rubbed it once tilting her head to the side and I can feel how soft her hand is and how beautiful she looked with her caramel skin and deep chocolate eyes "Because I see that look every time I look in the mirror"

And then before I could even blink her lips were on mine 

I blink, her lips were hard and course with a taste of salt and it surprised me I expected her lips to be quite soft but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing and I found myself kind of liking and find myself quickly kissing her back as she seemed hesitant and looked like she was going to pull away but I wanted to feel her lips on mine so I kissed her back and pulled her closer to me so that I could kiss her because I was slowly getting addicted to her lips

Eventually though we had to pull away because we needed air, two teenagers stood in the middle of an abandoned hallway of a mental hospital panting heavily with a promise in their hearts: 

We will get each other through this

Bleeding Hearts || Elliot WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now