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TORI WAS THE one person I could turn to to in the godforsaken place -- we were each other rocks, being abandoned by our own families we were the only person the other person could talk to about the shit that seemed to be burning in our minds and keeping us up at night, we knew it wasn't entirely healthy seen as we seem to encourage the other person to lean back into our old habits we were trying to kick and getting each other into new habits which were just as equally as bad as the old ones -- but it didn't matter because at least we had each other 

Usually we hide in the gardens in this place as we laugh and fill our lungs with stuff that could poison them later on but right now we didn't care: we were just broken kids who were trying to have a good time and not get caught 

Laughter floated to my ears and I turn my head to look at Tori, amusement flashing in my eyes as I take another drag from the bong that was lovely placed in between my fingers and I heave out a breath before passing it over to Tori who does the same as me, her head tilted back slightly as she lets out a breath of fresh air 

"Give it back, I can still feel my head pounding" I groaned 

The curly haired brunette laughs "No we already stoned enough as it is, we don't need to attract more attention to ourselves by getting more stoned. that'll just alert the carers that something is wrong and besides I only have a little left as we've used half of it already, so we'll have to wait until visiting on Sunday and I can steel some from my brother then"

Sunday. I almost forgotten, I wonder if someone will visit me this time -- 

"Yeah, yeah" I mumble absentmindedly "But make sure you get lots of it because Lord knows I will need it come Sunday if anyone decides to visit me to or if no-one decides to visit me. You know what just make sure you get a lot of it"

"C'mon" Tori says, a smile gracing her lips "Lets get dinner I know you're probably starving"

I gave her my hand to pull me up but instead I just pulled her down making her land on top of me with a squeal that was loud enough that I'm surprised it didn't alert the staff to where we were hiding and I gently cover her mouth and then I push her weight off of me and using my hand to help me stand up  before calling over my shoulder "Last one to the dining hall has to give the other person ten bucks!"

And then I took off running before she had the chance to catch up 

* * *

Sunday rolled around faster than I expected and I was waiting for Tori to finish up with her parents and sibling before we meet up and have another smoking session as we hide from the staff at the hospital 

There was a quiet knock on my room door and I looked up to the door quietly glaring at the door  before uttering the words that I really didn't want to say as anger was still rolling off my body in waves "Come in" 

Tori pops her head in head in as she pushes open the door and sees me sitting on the bed, my hands wrung together and head hanging down and she slowly comes and sits next to me on the bed touching my shoulder causing me to flick back at her touch "I'm sorry, I guess your still upset about your parents not coming to visit you because I didn't see you in the visiting room" 

"Yeah apparently my little sister Jessie was too scared to come and see me and my parents didn't want to leave her alone so they decided not to come and visit me didn't even give me a phone call they just called the hospital" I grit my teeth in anger and once again I feel myself seeing red and I want to punch a wall or anything but Tori seems to sense my anger and wraps her hand around my bicep and squeezes slightly 

"I figured something like this would happen" Tori says, a frown pulling her at her lips "It is a good thing that I decided to come here and speak with you because if I hadn't I'd bet I would have found a fist shape hole in the wall but I have something that might cheer you up"

"What?" I snapped at her "What could possibly make me feel any less shitty?"

Instead of answering Tori just stood up from the bed and walked across the small room to the door and opened it and my eyes widened when I saw a two boys a few years older than Tori and myself while the other looked to be only a year older than us, they both had dark skin but the second boy had considerably darker skin and I snapped my head away from them and turned towards the brown eyed beauty sat next to me again as I waited for her to explain 

"Elliot Walker, welcome to your new family" Tori announced gesturing to the two boys who were leaning against the doorframe with lazy smirk on their features "These bastards are my older brother Hunter although he's my half brother he's the closest thing to a family I got and this is his friend Trevon I know it's a mouthful and that's why I just call him Trev"

Trevon looks up at Tori amusement swimming in his eyes as he calls out "Only one of is a bastard around here!"

"Hi man, your going to be fine we'll make sure of it" Hunter smiles a little 

"Thanks" I tell him frowning a little 

"Don't worry about your parents I mean all kids abandon their kids at some point" Hunter clenches his jaw and Tori sends him a reassuring glance "But stick with us because I promise your going to be in good hands"     

Bleeding Hearts || Elliot WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now