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"HEY MAN" HUNTER clapped me on the back of the shoulder and I turned around to see him looking at Tori from across my shoulder his eyes narrowed and shining in concern as he watches her take a drag of the bong and puff the smoke through her lips before he turns her attention back to me "You need to look after her alright? She may act tough but she's had a hard life -- we both have bouncing around from foster home to foster home, not staying anywhere for longer than a year until Trev and his family took us in and she may joke about it but that's just her way of dealing with all the pain" 

"She's a strong one, I'll give you that mate" I nod watching as she looked down at the sketchbook that was constantly glued to her hands I think there is only a handful of times and I feel my heart flip a little as her hair dangles in her face, getting in her way causing her to sigh in frustration as she tucks her hair behind her er again causing me to smile softly "I'll look after her, I promise"

Tori looks up from her sketchbook for a moment and her eyes sparkle as the light appears to catch them and she looks between us "You wankers -- are you going to stop having your little lovers chat and come smoke with me?"

Hunter and I roll our eyes at her abrasive attitude before chuckling and making our way over to the brunette girl and I sit beside her bumping her shoulder and tangling my legs in between hers causing Tori to lean against my chest as she lets out a deep sigh and closes her eyes but not before passing me a bong and a stick

I take a drag as my hands find themselves tangled in Tori's hair and I find out that she's fast asleep on my chest her legs tangled in mine and the dirt and a soft snore passes through her lips and I find a smile catching on my lips between her lips

"She looks so peaceful and sad" I frown a little as I brush my fingers in her curls

"Yeah that's the only time she can get proper rest -- when she's high, the weed relaxes her enough that she's able to get a decent amount of sleep" Hunter told me, almost lazily as if he was tired of telling people and I nod my head sharply I cant imagine the shit that the sleeping girl resting on my chest had gone through if the only way she can get some peaceful sleep 

I scowl "Society is really fucked up then"

"Amen my brother" Hunter says with a ghost of a smile on his face "Most of us aren't bad criminals that the media paints us to be, we are either forced into life because we have no other choice in order to provide for our families or the majority of us are fitted into the roles of criminals because thats what people think we should be thanks to stereotyping and the media" 

"That must suck" I tell him sincerely "So how did she get in here?"

"Our adoptive parents caught her smoking pot" Hunter shrugs simply

"They sent her to a mental intuition because they caught her smoking pot" I say my hand curling in a fist and anger radiating off my body as I think about it ... How can a parent send their chid to a place like this just for making one mistake? "How can th--"

"Calm down Elliot, it's got a lot more to the story than that I promise you they didn't just send her here because she was caught smoking pot but it was most likely the last straw. My sister tends to have a nasty temper and a mouth to match so it's no surprise that they both tended to get her in trouble, and the way she dealt with that anger? Well I'm sure you've seen the scars on her arms"

I frown "She doesn't seem angry. Just broken"

"Because they give her medication" He waves off like it answers all my questions but in reality it just gives me more and somehow he sensed this "But if you want to know what really got her in here then you'll have to ask her because that's her story to tell and I ain't no snitch" 

We fall into silence for a good ten minutes or so not really doing but looking at the cloudy sky and picking up the grass from the mostly dead ground and my heart beats a little faster when Tori starts to moan in my lap, tossing a little as she sleeps

Hunter quickly dashes over to us and kneels in front of me taking Tori from my arms as I'd half sat her up in an attempt too stop her thrashing about, but it didn't do much -- I know I'm useless --  so I let Hunter take her off me and he puts her on the grass and tilts her head up gently slapping Tori's cheeks 

"Tori?" Hunter yells at her "Tori! Wake up"

Eventually she stirs and her eyes slightly open and she looks up at Hunter, eyes slightly glazed over as she pushes herself up to sit on the grass as she looks between us before asking  "Hunter? What's wrong?"

"You were sleeping and then you started thrashing in your sleep" I pipe up 

Tori looked ashamed before she mumbled "I'm sorry ... Nightmares"

I frown in confusion not knowing what she was on about but Hunter apparently does and squeezes his sisters hand "Have you not being going to therapy and talking to you're therapist about this" He asks quietly 

"Yeah I have but their not getting any better" She explains

Hunter wasn't dropping it "Have you been taking your medication" 

"Of course I have" Her pretty brown eyes widen "You know they help"

Bleeding Hearts || Elliot WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now