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MY BRAIN WOULDN'T quiet down, no matter how much I attempted to keep it quiet, it kept popping up with questions to do with Tori at the most random times whether it was three o'clock in the morning while I attempted to sleep or while I was having breakfast in the canteen. Why wouldn't Tori tell me she had bipolar?

I talked to Rachel about this and she confirmed that while she couldn't release information about patients to me or anyone that didn't have a stamp of approval as she put it that perhaps I should talk to Tori and ask her about it because maybe she was scared of how I was going to react 

So I decided I was going to wait for her to come to me which is exactly what she did a few days later I was sat at the back of the building which could be classed as our spot which I had been waiting at, hoping when she was ready to talk she would come here 

"Hi" A soft voice that has a has a hard edge to it says and I look up to see Tori sitting down next to me as she pulls her knees into her chest as if she was trying to make herself as small as she could "Look I don't know what to say because I don't know what you know, but I assure you that you didn't mean to freak out or hurt you I just lost control for a bit"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I didn't want you to look at me like you are doing right now like I'm crazy or I made of glass because I actually like you and you're one of a handful of people that treat me like a normal human being"

"I see that. But why didn't you trust me enough"

"Okay" Tori sighed, her words reluctant and there was a long enough pause that I thought she wasn't going to tell me anything, so in my annoyance, I stand up getting ready to leave but her words, soft as silk drew me back in "So here's the thing about me, I never quite know what day it's going to be. Sometimes I wake up and the whole days good a-and then sometimes it's not and call me selfish but I don't want you to see the not so good days. Not yet -- because it can be a bit too much for people"

"I get that, but you don't have to worry because it won't be too much for me"

"Even after I shouted at you and tried to hurt you?" 

"Even then"

"The meds I'm taking help I guess but when I take weed, it mixes up sometimes and even though weed is a soft drug, it sometimes ends up giving me terrible headaches and I stop taking my meds for a week or two and then go back on them once the headaches are gone. I know it isn't very good and probably isn't healthy either" Tori shrugs looking kind of sheepish 

"Look I can't force you to take your meds but I will help if you want me to me as we're all just kids that are a little fucked up in the head," I tell her with a kind smile because it was the truth, every kid there was a little fucked up in their own way and so was Tori and I, it was like we had matching scars across our hearts and the more we spent time with each other

"Where the fuck have you been all my life?" Tori asked as she let out a bashful laugh, caramel curls scraping over the edge of her cheeks as it had fallen from behind her ear and she looks at me, her molten dark eyes locking onto my own before she leaned in, her breath fanning my face as she tips her head to the side and our lips lock in a kiss 

Her lips are soft and for a second or two our lips just stay locked in a kiss until she ends licking my lips to gain entrance and taking me by surprise but I open up my mouth anyway to help her gain entrance. She takes control and I don't mind as I tilted up my head to help her get more entrance

She shifts and I pull her onto my lap and we continue to make out for a bit and when we pull back we're both panting and out of breath but smiling all the same and Tori brushes her hand over my cheek and I notice the white scars on her wrists and hands, some were raised and some were jagged and deciding that I should run my hands over hers 

"I'm here now," I tell her softly "I will always be here for you. Bipolar or no bipolar it was you I like and I like all of you even the parts that you may not like yourself. I'm here for you and I always will be, it's you and me forever"

Her eyes cast downwards "Yeah I just hope you know--"

"We'll take it one day at a time okay, I won't push you to do anything when you're having a bad day but I want you to talk to me and if you really can't talk to me talk to Rachel, I get that she can be really annoying at times but I promise she's a really good listener if you give her a chance" I state with a little bitter laugh as I realise I had done the complete opposite of what I had asked Tori to do: I wasn't giving the bubbly redhead a fair chance and if I wanted to get better, properly better then I would have to open up and show her the scars that I wouldn't show anyone for fear of them looking at me like i was a monster 

"Okay" Was her whispered reply 

Bleeding Hearts || Elliot Walkerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن