Chapter 2(Jungkook's (P.O.V))

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While I was sleeping.I had a dream where I was strong and powerful and I was swimming in my penthouse pool.Until I started to drown and I heard someone calling me.I felt my chest burn then I felt someone grab me and slap me.I opened my eyes gasping for air.I look up and I see taehyung there he was breathing really hard."w-what happened why are you here",I said I hoped he came here to hangout we only hangout at school when I get the chance."well I was knocking on the door and you never answered so I tried calling you nobody answered I got worried",he said really fast breathes in and started again."so I got your spare key from the house plant opened the door called you no answer so I thought maybe you left but then I saw your wallet so I thought maybe he is sleeping I walked to your room and the restroom light was on I was knocking on the door no answer I got scared and broke down your door sorry about that I will get you another one",he stopped looking at the broken door."are you going to finish",I said."oh yeah so when I opened the door you were under the water and I saw bubbles popping up so I grabbed you and brought you up what were you doing",he said looking at straight into my eyes which made me blush a little."I was taking a shower I guess I fell asleep sorry",I said looking down."well I will let you change I got to get going",he said getting up and leaving."are you leaving",I said with looking at him with sad eyes."yeah my j-hope are going to the movies and I was looking for one of my Gucci shirts and remembered it was here",he turned around kissed me on the head and left.I got out and noticed I had a lot of purple marks I'm so thankful he didn't see that I hope.I changed and walked to my bed grabbing my laptop and doing the class work I didn't do and homework.When I was finished I looked at the time it was 11:11 I made a wish.And fell asleep but I couldn't sleep so I watched Netflix this is why I'm always tired.After 5 episodes of stranger things I fell asleep.
I woke up early I had to since I live a little far from school.I do my morning routine which was simple since I'm not that interesting.I grabbed an apple since I didn't have time to make breakfast.I ran to school almost getting hit multiple times by cars.I got to school doing the routine all over again here I am going home.This time I ran home trying to not get caught again.It worked but he knew he was lucky he might not be lucky next time.I walked home and then I got a text from tae.
Tae ❤️❤️:hey are you almost home

Bunny 🐰:I'm almost there why

Tae ❤️❤️:can you go to the store and tell me when your coming I'm at your house with j-hope we thought we could all have a movie night just the three of us

Bunny🐰:yeah that sounds like fun I will get snacks

Tae ❤️❤️:okay thanks bye

Bunny 🐰:bye
I was so happy about hanging out with tae even if j-hope is going to be there.I grabbed banana flavor chips and milk and grabbed tae's favorite snacks and drink and I got something I saw j-hope get one time.I was so excited that I forgot to tell tae I was here I don't know why but when I walked inside I heard some weird noises.I followed them and found myself standing in front of taehyung's room.I opened the door and immediately regretted it.I dropped all the bags I saw tae get off j-hope and get a blanket to cover their naked bodies."I jungguk I told you tell when you were coming back",he said panting.I couldn't look at him I ran out the bedroom and out the house.I ran and stopped when I got tired but I failed to notice where I was until a husky voice said"look who we have here I waited for you",he guy said grabbing Jungkook's waist and getting him closer to him.I had enough with people playing with my feelings,getting abused,and being week.I pushed him hard grabbed a pipe that was in the floor and hit him with it and ran.I ran into the night I couldn't be here anymore I have to leave this place and start a new life.
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