Chapter 1

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Steven Grant Rogers walked into the kitchen of the house he, Sam Wilson and James Buchannan Barnes shared, the house a mess, per usual. All their parents had either died or been killed. At the age of 17, the three of them worked many jobs to pay for their living in this house.

It appeared that Bucky was still asleep and Sam was probably out for a run. It was 5.15am, school started at 8.30am so he had some time to kill. The most valid choice was to go for a quick run as well.

Steve stepped outside in track suit pants and a tight blue work-out shirt that clung to his chest. He only planned for it to be a quick run, once or twice around that lake; 7km at the most since he wanted to get back, have a shower and make breakfast.

As he started he began to get into the rhythm of it, breath coming out in a melody and feet marking the pavement in a fast beat. Days like this were beautiful, where he could see his breath and sunrise lighting the trees in a pinky/orange tinge.

"Hey Steve." A voice said from his right, slowly jogging Sam Wilson appeared. Steve slowed to match his pace. "Always on my left. Huh?" He laughed, then running out of breath and heaving to get it back. Steve couldn't stop laughing at this.
"Always on your left." Steve nodded laughing still.

"So, Buck still asleep?" Sam questioned.
"Heh, your boyfriend is fine and still very much asleep." Steve teased. "We all know he doesn't get up till ten minutes before we leave." Sam smiled.

"Will you be playing football this year?" Sam himself played basketball, but did dabble in football. Both Steve and Bucky had been members of the team for years now. Steve being Captain.
"Every year Wilson." Steve smiled. "We'd better get home, you probably want to see the White Wolf before school starts. Just don't be too loud and keep it in your room." Sam laughed again, this time stopping to get his breath back.

"Will do, but I have too pick my books up from the store before we get to school." Sam said walking to a bench and collapsing, sweat stains covering the arm pits and neck of his grey jersey.
"But." Sam looked at Steve with confusion. "You're having a shower."


"Hey Jerk, we're home and your brought candy." Steve called out through the small bungalow. Steve took a towel out of the small linen cabinet in the hallway, Sam walked past Steve, opening the door at the end of the hallway. Bucky telling Sam to piss off then apologising when who his waker-upperer was could be heard from where Steve stood.

Steve laughed and walked off towards the bathroom, hot water was in short scarce since most of the time they struggled to even pay power bills.


It was 6.45am when Sam and Bucky finally emerged, the time was late for Sam, but surprisingly early for James.
"Urgh. You two smell like and old man's sauna. Take a shower and not together." Steve pinched his nose, both Sam and Bucky seemed like they were oblivious to it. Bucky just sat at the table 'hmpf-ing' at Steve as the blonde man passed him a cup of coffee and a plate of breakfast.

"We're picking up Clint, Thor and Carol on our way to school." Steve said washing the pans and plates he used to make them all breakfast.
"Does this mean we're taking the mummy van?" Bucky grumbled.
"Oh what a lovely mood your in, I just spent an hour cheering you up." Sam laughed and Steve screw up his face in mock disgust.
"It's morning." Bucky stated, "I hate mornings."


Steve managed to make Bucky get out of the house on time, though he was still muttering grumbles as Sam dragged him by the hand.
"Carol is closest, then the store, Clint, Nat then school." Steve said, starting the engine to his old 8 seater.
"We need a new car." Bucky muttered, kicking the van lightly, hands in pockets.


They had picked everyone up, the van was full and loud music blasted from it due to Carol sitting in the passenger seat.
"Carol can we please turn down the AC/DC!" Sam shouted over the music, he sat in the back with Bucky sleeping is his lap.
"What's the point in having this radio if we can't listen to it on full blast?" She shouted back, Clint nodded, playing air guitar next to Thor.


A shrill beeping noise filled the room, Anthony Edward Stark threw out a hand to silence it, he only managed to knock over the whiskey glass that he hadn't finished drinking last night. His head pounded, but he was used to the pain now. Smelling heavily like alcohol and wearing yesterday's clothes he stumbled into the kitchen, still slightly intoxicated.

The note his parents had left him last month was still there, "Tony me and your father had to leave to Tokyo for a buisness meeting. Be back in a few weeks. Xxx mom." The note read, heh, a few weeks his ass. Tony could never decide whether it was better them being away or them being home.

When they were home his father just got drunk a lot and beat the shit out of him, when they weren't home Tony got drunk because of their last visit. Tony loved his mother, but sometimes it seemed like she didn't care about what his father did to him.

Tony poured some vodka into a water bottle and grabbed a box of poptarts from the top shelf, he was about to leave, opening the front door when he got a whiff of himself. Gross he smelt like a fucken brewery.

"Master Tony you're going to be late for school and you need a shower." Jarvis said from behind him,
"Yeah Jar, I am." Tony muttered.


Carol burst through the school doors, "Oooo, I can't wait for football tryouts and getting our timetables!" She sqeauled.
"Wow, Danvers chill man." Sam smiled, he was always smiling, kind of the opposite of Bucky. Sam had managed to wake him up after his nap in the car, but he hadn't been happy about it, Nat joined them as they began walking down the hall.

"Hey there's that cute guy." A girl fanned,
"Who?" Her friend asked from next to her.
"Steve Rogers. He's been Captain of the football team for three years now." She said like it was an obvious fact. Nat just rolled her eyes and death glared them, they quickly turned around, not wanting to deal with an angry Natasha Romanoff.

"What's their deal." She huffed.
"I dunno, let's go get timetables from the front office." Steve said like it was a usual occurrence, the six of them headed down the hallway, Carol skipping and Nat rolling her eyes.


"Me and Bucky have all our classes together." Sam smiled and Bucky said nothing, it was usual for him to stay silent until at least 10am. Steve glanced at his timetable, he had no classes with the others, except they all had PE together. Oh well, can't have 'em all. First bell rang, breaking up the group and sending them on their way


Steve looked up at the number above the door, 205, this was his science room, only a few people had arrived so far, he recognised none of them so far. He decided to sit at the back of the class, close to the window. Steve normally wasn't one to sit at the back of the class but it helped to go unnoticed sometimes.


By the time Tony slinked into class he was half an hour late, but at least he didn't smell suspicious. His hopes of going un-noticed flew out the door when his science teacher Mr. Pym cleared his throat making Tony slowly turn around.

"Need a lozenge Mr. Pym?" Tony smiled and the class laughed.
"If you think it's okay to interrupt us halfway through a lesson you explain the problem on the board for homework, Mr. Stark." The teacher said.
"Why don't cha just pass me the chalk and I'll do it right now so it saves me time." Tony snatched the chalk from the teachers hand and spent less then a minute to work out the problem.

Tony began walking back to his spot in the back of the classroom.
"I want to see you after class Stark." He said.
"I want a loving father." Tony muttered.
"What was that." Mr. Pym sounded like he was about to blow a fuse.
"Nothing Sir." Tony smiled.

He held out a hand to the person sitting next to him. "I'm Tony and that's my spot." he smiled.

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