Chapter 6

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This time when Tony awakened he wasn't as shocked about his surroundings, a man in a vest was sitting by him, reading a book in a foreign dialect. He was the same man that had shoved the shrapnel in his face, well not so much shoved as lifted it up so he could see it.

None of the less he still had an electromagnet in his chest and it was hooked up to a massive car battery. That would have to go. Tony knew his father wouldn't care, in his eyes all Tony had ever been was a burden, a waste of sperm

"Your awake." The mans accent dripped off his words and Tony said nothing. "Your father is on his way, he has paid the fee." Tony rubbed his eyes. His father! Paid for him! Nonsense.

"Why? He doesn't want me and he would never spend a dime on me. He never has, he never will." Tony thought aloud.


Sam rose above Bucky, moving his mouth to the man's beneath him. Bucky's sex drive was crazy and Sam must burn at least 1,000 calories a day just fucking him. Sam pulled Bucky's torso up towards him, pulling the man's shirt above his head and tossing it to the front seat.

Bucky gasped audibly as Sam moved his mouth to his neck, kissing down his sculpted chest to the V line, lying his man back down on the seat. Bucky moaned even louder as Sam unzipped his jeans and slipped his hand in to pull out Bucky's hard member. He guided his hand up and down Bucky's dick, making the man arch his back into Sam.

Sam took the opportunity to capture his lips, silencing his whimpers and begs. Stopping his actions, Sam saddled Bucky and threw his own shirt over his head and to the front seat with Bucky's shirt.

Bucky thrusted his hips upward making Sam grind down.

"Mmm... Wait." Sam moved down Bucky's body and pulled his pants off to reveal he wasn't wearing any underwear. Sam marveled at how large his boyfriend was, Bucky was withering beneath him, obviously needing some relief from his lust.

Sam licked a strip up to the hilt as a shiver ran down Bucky's back.

"Urgh. Fuck." Bucky moaned out and continued thrusting upwards. Sam took all of him in his mouth and hummed, sending vibrations up his dick. Bucky moaned again loudly, arching his back and lightly fucking Sam's mouth.

Sam remove himself from their sex to pull off his trousers and Bucky whimpered at the loss contact. He reached beneath the seat to where they hid the lube for situations like this, Sam softly jerking off before climbing back on and fitting his mouth lovingly to Bucky's.

The kiss was sweet and soft, but deep and intense, it left both of them breathless. Sam poured some on to his fingers, thrusting one harshly into Bucky's hole as the man clenched around him, whimpering. Sam pushed another finger in, thrusting them both, searching for the bundle of nerves.

He knew he had hit it when Bucky practically screamed and arched his back into Sam. Sam took his as a sign to pull both fingers out, Bucky ground himself on nothing, trying to relieve himself. Sam smiled down at him and lubed his hard member, dripping with precum.

He wasted no time in thrusting himself inside Bucky, he gasped at the feeling. Sam stayed stationary so Bucky could get used to his size.

It wasn't long till Bucky was begging him to move, Sam complied and slowly began thrusting in and out. A few thrusts later Sam hit his prostate and Bucky flat out screamed. Sam pulled all the way out and thrust back in sharply, straight into the other man's prostate.

A few more of the same thrust had Bucky withering and gasping at every hit to his prostate. Sam couldn't last much longer, Bucky clenched around Sam's dick as spirts of white exited his dick.

The tightness around Sam's member had him shooting inside Bucky, the two collapsed as Sam pulled himself out.

Sam spotted a blanket in the back seat and pulled it over them both. Bucky was obviously tired had fallen asleep, Sam smiled, resting himself on the other man's chest.

"I love you." He whispered before drifting off to sleep as well. Bucky cracked an eye open and kissed Sam lightly.
"I love you too." He whispered back.


"Was that a scream?" Clint turned around, looking at the direction they came.
"That was just Bucky and Sam." Nat sighed and nearly ran into Steve who had stopped in his tracks. "It's getting dark and we have no torches of any sort. I want to find Tony as much as much as you, but we won't be any use lost."

"Steve's right. Lets turn around." Nat nodded and led the way back to the cars they had came in.
"We're just going to leave him!" Bruce exclaimed, Thor put his arm around the smaller man's shoulders, making Bruce blush.

"Man of science, I too feel this way, but Nat and Steve speak of the Truth. We should follow them." The booming voice of the taller man filled the forest they had walked into. Bruce nodded, Thor's hand did not lift of his shoulders and Bruce made no attempt to wriggle out of the embrace. Nat looked at Bruce as if to say 'you like himmmm!'. Bruce just shot eye daggers back.

They all headed back to the cars, tracing our steps back in the setting sun. Night was coming soon. "Why do you feel so deeply about him? You only met the man a week ago." Thor asked.
"I dunno..." Steve trailed off.

The group approached the cars.
"You'd better not be fucking naked in there." Clint shouted making Sam fall off Bucky.
"Uh..." Sam fumbled to put on his shirt and pants, pulling Bucky's clothes to the back with them.

It was useless to wake Bucky up so Sam just laid back down next to him. When Steve pulled the car door open Sam gently kissed Bucky's cheek and jumped out to meet them.

Steve flopped in the drivers seat. "Some how I feel like this is my mess."
"How is it your fault? It's that Pepper chick's fault, she sleeps around a lot." Sam said trying and failing to make Steve feel better. "I heard every freshman has slept with her. I don't know how he didn't find out."


Honestly I didn't care whether I died here or not. I felt like the worlds most hated man, it's funny actually. How wrong someone's life can go within just a few hours. Has it been hours? Or days? Well my life has all ways been shit, my father has beaten me since I was five. I laughed to myself, I must be in shock or something. Something is over my mouth, it's plastic and it's attached to something metal. Is that a gas bottle, no, I laugh again and my vision fades to black.


My father was the great Howard Stark, renowned doctor, scientist and inventor. Billionaire, genius, philanthropist and greatest father ever! Right? No. He was the best father I could ever wish for, we used to do almost everything together. He would take me down to his lab and show what everything was, he would play catch, tag, hide and seek, take me for ice cream and love me.

It was a boy's dream, it lasted until 1975, when a woman named Sarah Rogers died shortly after my fifth birthday. That was when it all came crashing down.

The bar that was in our living room, the bar I always wondered why it was there because my parents never drank suddenly had a purpose. For my father to drink at it. My father must have really loved that woman, but he only ever said he loved me and my mother.

One day, the day after she died, I was about 13 and me and my mother were watching TV together. He had gotten drunk, my father was an angry drunk, he had shouted at us to turn it down. My mother had simply told him that it was low enough, yet it was enough to set him off. He had slapped he, she had fallen to the ground and I had ran to hid behind a sofa.

Next thing I knew he had dragged my limp frame out and shoved me to ground. He made me watch as he unzipped his pants and fucked my mother. She had screamed at him to stop and let me go, tears rushing down her face.

After that everyday was the same, we tip-toed around him, hiding in my room together and praying he didn't find us. Sarah Rogers was the name of the woman that had ruined my family and my life.

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