Chapter 2

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"I'm Tony and that's my spot." Tony smiled. Steve blushed, the man offering his hand out to Steve was gorgeous. He took Tony's hand muttering his name back, "Reve Stogers... Ah... Rogers Steve... Um... I mean Steve Rogers." Steve went an even deeper shade of pink, why was he such a blabbering fool?

"Your cute." Tony smiled, 'booping' him on the nose somehow making Steve blush even more.
"Tony Stark will you pay attention to the lesson." Mr. Pym was glowing red with anger.
"Yes Sir." Tony half-heartedly mocked.
"S-sorry, I can move." Steve muttered and Tony laughed,
"No, I like you there." He smiled, the teacher started handing out assignments.


Steve stepped out of second period with Tony, it turned out they had all their classes together and he was really good company, the two had sat together for Science and Art, though his brain refused to admit it he was developing a crush on Tony. A red haired girl in a cheerleading uniform appeared out of nowhere and tugged on his arm, pulling into a closet. Tony started to say bye, when the girl latched her lips on to Tony's and kicked the door shut. There goes Steve's hopes that he was single or some form of gay.


Steve sighed sitting down the at 'usual table' he and his friends sat at. Though, they normally took up two tables with the amount of 'friends' he had. So far Nat, Sam and Bucky were already sitting there, Bruce and Stephen were probably still in the science room, T'Challa and Erik were probably playing some form of sport on the field, Clint was probably up in the bleachers watching people with Natasha. Pietro was doing something with his running squad. Wanda and Vision were walking around the grounds together. Thor and Carol were most likely still in the food line, piling their trays up with too much food, Loki as expected was probably doing some form of graffiti.

Steve's sigh drew the attention of Bucky who was talking now since it was 10.30am.
"What's up punk?" Bucky asked, pouring atrocious amounts of ketchup on to his burger.
"Nothing." Steve sighed again, this drew Nat's attention.
"Rogers are you lying...?" She narrowed her eyes at him and he became flustered. "What's up Steve?"

"I met Tony Stark today." Steve said, pushing the coleslaw around his plate with a fork.
"You mean that playboy brat?" Bucky asked still pouring ketchup on his burger.
"He's not so bad." Steve tried to reason as Sam wrestled the ketchup out of his boyfriends hand, muttering something about cholesterol levels.

"You LIKE him." Natasha accused and Steve shot her a glare as if to say, 'Not so loud.'
"N-no." He stuttered going red.
"Oh. My. God. The Captain has a crush on Tony Stark." She fangirled.
"I... Uh... no. No I don't." Steve started.
"Okay Steven, two things. 1. You can't lie to Nat, she'll find out one way or another and 2. Please be careful, that kid's a heart breaker." Bucky said shoving his burger into his mouth, ketchup going everywhere.

"Ewwww, Buck please. Use a tissue." Nat said wrinkling her nose, "How do you two put up with him?" Steve and Sam just smiled. As Clint sat down, his mouth full of fries, not long after Carol and Thor joined them. Both of their trays full.
"Are we even aloud to get that much food?" Pietro asked as he sat down with them all.
"No..." Clint said, his gaze wondering over the small mountains.


Tony had managed to drag himself out of the closet before anything over first base happened, Pepper didn't seem very happy about it, but Tony had played it off like they were going to not get and food thanks to Thor and Carol who ate almost half of the lunch. Pepper was making plans for the two of us after school as we walked to sit down with Nat and her friends.

Sam was going on about how Bucky needed to eat less ketchup and more fruit as Steve was saying how he couldn't get Bucky to eat any thing with an organic colouring, Clint was shoveling fries into his mouth with Nat. Nat and Pepper started talking and when Pepper turned back to me she said we were going to go for a double date with Clint and Nat.


School seems to drag on forever, I slept through my last class, which was math. The bell rang and I found Pepper, Nat and Clint talking by his father's mustang.
"Ready to go?" I asked shaking the keys in his hand.
"Yep! I just gotta flick Steve a message to tell him I don't need a ride back." Nat said, pulling her phone out as Clint opened the car door for her.

Pepper gives me directions on where to go, which is some café or restaurant Pepper and Nat picked called The Brooklyn Dinner. It's a cute, Americana styled placed, weird it's called 'The Brooklyn Dinner since it's in New York. I park the car out front, we all pour out of the doors and into the 'dinner'. Nat finds us a booth, that seems cleanish since the entire place is covered in grime or dust.

"Hi I'm Peggy, I'll be your waitress for the night, can I take your orders?" A short woman appears, wearing a uniform says, she had curled brown hair and soft, but intense brown eyes much like my own. We give her our orders when no other then Steve rushes in asking if she can take his shift.
"Steve you work here?" I ask trying not to be completely shocked, Pepper elbows me as if to say; Behave.
"Yeah, it's a good way to earn extra money for me and Buck." He says, glaring at Nat while blushing.

"Sure Stevie!" She smiles. Urgh! Stevie? Wait why am I jealous, it's not like he's my boyfriend. "I'll be out with those orders soon!" She collects our menu and turns on her heel as Steve bolts out the door and to an old van. We all get into small talk and the night goes by quickly, I drive them all home, dropping Pepper and Clint home, Nat back to school where she boards. I get to my place and my dad's favourite car is in ridiculously large garage we have underneath the mansion.

I park up the mustang in it's spot, hoping my dad won't notice and rush in to see my mother.
"Honey!" My mother says, throwing her arms out for a hug.
"Son." My dad just nods matter of factly to me. "Don't use my car."
"Yes sir." I say back flatly, I gave up calling him dad along time ago.
"How long are you staying?" I direct the question to my mother hopefully.

"Just till the morning, then we're going to Russia for a month." My mother says, I've gotten used to the disappointment of them not being here.
"You'll miss my birthday again." I say.
"Sorry Honey." Mom says empathically.


I go downstairs for a class of water that night, my father sits by the bar island drinking.
"Dad.." I catch myself, "Howard. You're drunk, go to bed." I knew better then to say that, and he was going to give me a beating for talking to him like that. My father will never love me and even though I know that I still try to impress him or get him to love me.

He just throws an empty glass bottle at me, I narrowly dodge it, running back to my room crying while he shouts a string of curses and complaints at me, the last bit I heard hit me the most.
"I should have known you were a coward, faggot. Men don't run." He shouts and I cry myself to sleep.

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