Chapter 9

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Steve sprinted probably faster then he ever had, to where Jarvis held the limp frame of Tony Stark. Tears seemed to fall down the older man's cheeks, a metal disk lay in Tony's chest and what looked like the remains of a car battery.

"Oh my god." The words just slipped out as Steve was lost for words at the sight of Tony's crippled body. He sunk to his knees next to Jarvis and placed two fingers on his pulse spot. "Holy shit. He's still alive." Steve cursed as he and Jarvis lifted the frail man and carried him to the van.

They laid Tony where Sam and Bucky had been, his head in Jarvis's lap as the man ran his fingers through Tony's hair as a parent would. Sam now sat in the passenger seat with Bucky in his lap, the two gently kissed as Steve far over the speed limit to get them to the Stark's mansion.

Even though Steve had insisted they go to the hospital Jarvis had told him to go straight to the mansion.


Tony was clinging to his life with his finger tips and everyone knew this, Thor and Loki had walked home as Steve, Bucky and Sam had stayed. None of Tony's authority figures were home, Jarvis carried him straight to the lab. Pulling out one of the car batteries the Stark's had for something and Jarvis plugged it into the disc in Tony's chest.


Jarvis had left the room to get Tony some new clothes, Sam and Bucky sat on the couch together.
"Sirs, would you like to be shown to a room? I assume your friend will be awhile." The butler asked the two.

"Yes, thankyou." Sam said somewhat politely as he nudged Bucky awake.
"Right well, follow me." Sam pulled Bucky up and the two began to follow the older man.

Jarvis opened the door to a massive guest room.
"Holy shit." Bucky's mouth dropped open.
"I will leave you to it." With that Jarvis walked off.

Bucky smirked and walked to the bed as Sam sighed and followed.


The longest minute Steve had ever experienced passed and Tony coughed, the coughs making his body shake. Jarvis smiled and left the room to get Tony some new clothes. A spark lit in Steve's chest. Tony was alright, Steve quickly made his way to where Tony lay and captured his lips in a quick kiss, but quickly pulled away when he realised what he had done.

"I... Uh..." Steve mumbled, "I'm sorry."
"No, no. It's okay, I liked it." Tony smiled.
"Oh, ah... Okay. That's good I guess, right?" Steve stumbled over his words.

"You blabbering foul." Tony whispered and pulled Steve forward by the shirt. He kissed him deeply, moaning into Steve's mouth and making the taller man shiver. Tony pushed himself up and wrapped his legs around Steve, lightly grinding himself against the other man.

"Wait. What happened?" Steve pulled his mouth away, but not his body.
"My father, he did this to me." Tony mumbled, "Please help me forget, I just want to forget, please I need you."
"Tony... I don't know... This isn't... With all that happened." Steve stuttered, but Tony just pulled him back into a soft kiss.

"Please." Tony whispered, he had tears in his eyes, tears that Steve whipped away with his thumbs before returning the kiss deeply.

"Okay." He said into the kiss, Steve picked Tony and the car battery up, the smaller man's legs were still wrapped around his waist. Steve lying him down on the couch in the lab and continued softly kissing him. He flipped them to the side, moving the wires out of the way.

Steve wrapped his arms around Tony, moving his head to kiss Tony on the forehead.
"It's going to be okay." Steve reassured as Tony silently wept into his shirt, they lay like this until Tony's sobs ceased and he drifted off to sleep. Steve still stayed with arms around Tony as he too drifted off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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