Chapter 4

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"Don't move." The man in front of them held a gun to Steve's chest, Steve immediately put his hands above his head is surrender when as average sized female with black hair and purple streaks pushed in front of them. She knocked the gun out of his hands and kneed him twice in between the legs making the man double over with pain.

Everyone watched the action, mouths agape as the man in front of them, once armed, fell to the ground.
"Holy shit." Clint cursed.
"Language." Steve scolded.
"Gamora what the hell?!" A man exclaimed from behind them.

They all turned to see a man in a worn red jacked, his hair was a lighter shade of brown.
"Who. The hell. Are you!?" Bucky had jumped into Sam's arms when the man had pointed a gun at Steve and now he was still there.
"Buck... As much as I love having you like this... You weigh a fricken ton." Sam groaned, dropping him.

"My name is Peter Quill, dude chill out. Hey you know what? There's another names you might know me by.... Star-Lord." He said and after a second everyone burst out laughing.
"Wait..." Nat started, "He's that gamer dude. Some big hit on YouTube or something?"
"Oh yeah." Clint agreed.
"Do you guys know everyone or something?" T'Challa spoke, his accent coating each word thickly.

"That's their thing." Loki stated. "But onto more pressing matters, who the hell his she and why is this guy pointing a gun at Steve AND where is Tony."
"T-tony?" The man on the floor was in more of a kneeling position now, the girl who had knocked him down before had retreated to 'Star-Lord'.

"This is Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Nebula and Mantis." Peter gestured to the five people behind him and the dog in Rocket's hand. "We saw the whole Pepper business, she's not very subtle is she now anyway. We're friends of Thor."
"And your all gamers?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, sort of..." Peter started.
"GUYS THE TASK AT HAND!" Loki shouted.

"You said Tony right?" The man before them was now standing. "He hasn't been home since this morning. Oh, ah... Jarvis by the way." He held a hand out to Steve, "Sorry about that, but I see your outrage has you covered..." Steve took it and smiled.

There was a group of about twenty now, standing in the Stark's mansion.
"Sorry about breaking in...?" Steve apologised, "We just wanted to see whether Tony was okay... We'll be going."
"No... Wait, I'm just as worried for his safety as you are, let me help." Jarvis spoke up.
"Could we have a new car?" Bucky grumbled looking out the window at Steve's old car.

"I don't know what we can do?" Sam sighed. "We should just let the police handle it."
"We can't involve the police. Howard wouldn't have it." Jarvis said worriedly.
"Loki you can stop shouting now." Thor wrapped an arm around his adoptive brother's shoulders making the smaller man blush.

"Well, Bruce you call him. He's most likely to pick up your calls. If he doesn't three teams. Sam, Bucky, Clint, Nat in one car. Wanda, Vision, Pietro, T'Challa in another and gamer people..."
"Guardians of The Galaxy." Peter interrupted Steve's speech.
"Right... Guardians of The Galaxy in whatever sort of vehicle you brought. You three drive to where ever Tony normally goes, just split up the city and look for him."

"He won't pick up." Bruce looked at Steve, he whipped out his own phone, an old flip phone that made everyone cringe.
"What?" Steve asked when he saw everyone's reaction.
"It's sooo old." Clint mocked scared of the phone.
"It works just as good as your new fangled devices." Steve stated and dialed Tony's number, he was also left to voicemail.

"Wait how did you get his number?" Nat smirked.
"Ah, um... A project?" Steve mumbled. "He won't pick up."


Tears streamed down Tony's cheeks, clouding his vision. He never truly loved Pepper and now it seems she never truly loved him. The betrayal of the act was what hurt Tony the most. Now he was truly caught in the trap that was depression, sadness had been building; every time his father laid a hand on him. Pepper had just been the last straw.

He pushed his foot harder down on the pedal, his phone went off and he glanced at the caller ID. It read Jolly Green, normally Tony would pick up his bestfriend's calls. Not today. Not now. He let the call go to voicemail, shortly after another call, America's Ass replaced the caller ID.

There. Just another reminder of his father. Tony threw the phone out of his father's car and as more tears clouded his vision, things became blurred. Tony gave up, he let his head rest on the steering wheel as he cried, a loud sound and Anthony Edward Stark blacked out.

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