The Escape Plan

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You woke up in the room that was supposed to be your room. You looked around the room to see that you were alone.

Slowly, you got up and made your way to the door. It was unlocked. You searched the room for some kind of weapon. When you couldn't find one, you resorted back to the bed.

You tried to remove the legs, or some of the medal, but it wouldn't budge.

Making your way to the closet, you heard steps approaching the door. Quickly, you ran back to the bed and pretended to sleep.

You heared James set something down, and before you knew it he was kissing your cheek. This made you scream inside. He stroked your hair a few times before leaving the room.

After you were sure he was gone, you looked around the room to see what he had left. You saw a tray of food on the dresser. There was no way you were eating whatever he left you.

As you approached the tray, you saw that it was some kind of rice dish, a bottled water, and a cookie. You chugged the water because you felt as if it had been days since you'd last had any.

After you were finished, you set the empty bottle down, and looked back at the tray. You noticed a note. It read as follows:

"My beloved sister, I do hope that you understand why I've done what I have. I love you, and now we can all be a family."

"We all?" You repeated aloud. Who is we all?

You decided enough was enough. You looked back at the tray and noticed something. He left you a fork; a real metal fork. "Nice one James." You said.

At that time the lights went out, just as they did the last time. You grabbed the fork and sat on the ground, hugging your knees. Within maybe six seconds the lights were back on.

You still held deeply onto the fork. As you looked all around you, you saw a paper in front of the door. James must have slid it under. You made your way to the door and grabbed the paper.

"Please follow the directions as followed.

1. Put on the dress I have for you in the closet.
2. Head to the party room, I left directions at the bottom of this page.

You opened the closet door to see a dress. It was a nice dress. But you hated it, because you hated him. Under the dress there was a box, in which contained dress socks and dress shoes.

You quickly put everything on. You tucked the fork in your shoe, carefully so it would not poke you.

You grab the paper with the directions and head for the door. Entering the hallway, you notice that it is once again dark. On the ceiling are lights that are barely bright enough to navigate where to go.

You finally get to the door to the room James is talking about. You take in a deep breath and turn the door knob.

Once you enter, the lights are off. When they're back on you hear someone yell 'surprise'. James.

You stand in shock. You look around the room mortified. They were dead. Four-no, five people and they were all dead.

"Wh-who are they?" You ask holding back the tears.

"Your family. Our family." James told you. "This is where you come from."

"Y-you killed them?" You asked.

"Don't be frightened. Please, I'm your brother, I would never hurt you." He pleaded.

"No, I have a brother, three of them actually. You're a monster." You said.

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