La La Land

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(A/N) Yes i know it's been forever and I'm sorry we end here. But I'm working on a new story for you called "Until Forever Doesn't Exist" Maybe I will come back to this but I'm not sure.

***Jake's POV***

Surprisingly the trip to L.A went fairly quickly, usually trips to places I don't want too go to take forever...maybe it was because Bryce was with me...

"What are you thinking about?"

"It's weird how everytime i go to get in deep thought you seem to just sweep in pull and me out of it."

"That's how i roll boooyy!!"

"Okay then..."

We finally pulled up to my mom's place and she was waiting for us in the driveway with a warm smile plastered on her face.

"She doesn't know i'm gay Bryce so let's ease into that one okay?" I asked nervously.

"Sure Jake, whatever you need to do." He said patting my hand.

"Well then, let's go say hi..."

"BOYS! Oh Jake i'm so glad to see you again and happy birthday!! Your present is in your room. And this must be your friend Bryce! Nice to meet you, i'm Gena."

"Hi Gena nice to meet you."

"Well let's not stand out here all day, go drop your guys stuff in your room Jake and then meet me out back and we can swim and talk more."

"Ok mom, come on Bryce."

I led him to my room and when we walked in there was a beautiful white kitten sleeping on my pillow.

"OMG JAKE LOOK AT IT!!! What are you going to name him?"

"Well he's white so...Snow?"

"Oh Jake you are so original..."

"Well i don't know!"

"How about something a little more original?"

"How about something not." I teased stepping closer to Bryce, wrapping my arms around him.

"Or there's that." He smiled closing the small gap between us and placing his soft lips against mine.

I sat him down on the bed deepening the kiss, running my hands under his shirt.

"Oh i-i'm sorry I should have knocked." My mom gasped trying to compose herself as she started to walk back downstairs.

I stood up quickly motioning Bryce to stay and chased after her. My mom didn't know I was gay, and I really didn't want her to find out this way.

"Mom! Please stop." I half yelled as she was on the stairs.

"Jake it's ok honey, just join me outside once you two have...settled in." She turned and continued on leaving me there to watch her disappear.

"Shit Jake, i'm sorry I didn't know she was inside..."

"It's ok, she was going to find out anyways."

He stood up walking over to me at the door quickly placing another kiss on my cheek before grabbing my hand and pulling me after him.

I watched as my mom sat at the small table enjoying her drink. She was a beautiful woman, her blonde hair was long and some small strands of gray were starting to show, but her eyes. Her eyes were a sharp blue, they could pierce your soul and make you open up about everything. My mom is not a mean person by any means, the only reason I have never came out to her, was just because I wasn't sure about it myself. Taking one last deep breath we walked over joining her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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