life and love

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my birthday comes late in the year and in two days it will be here! woohoo finally gonna be eighteen!

"jake?" bryce hollered.from the kitchen


"your dad is wanting to talk to you dude he said it's important."

"okay thanks man, where is he at?"

"you fool he's down stairs or i wouldn't be giving you this message." 

"oh my god your such a smart ass!" i screamed laughing the entire way down the stairs

"well? where is he?"

bryce face palmed himself as he answered "the library jake the library." shaking his head at me.

we never really used the library it had a bunch of books but mostly dad just used it as an office.

"jake we need to talk and i really need you to listen." his face was completely serious.

"sure dad, what's up?" i replied sitting down.

"are you and bryce together?" he asked, his eyes shown with compassion.

"yes." i answered truthfully and quickly looked down.

"well son, i'm glad to see your not still all so depressed, i have been wandering about you since you first met him and didn't know if i could accept it..." he looked away shamefully.

"dad, i love you bryce loves you haha, i mean look at us we are like three best friends living together."

"that's another thing, i called bryce's mom today and told her we would love if he did just move in with us." he was smiling now so big and i was also very happy at the news.

"well!, what did she say?" i asked with much excitement.

"oviously she said yes dude." bryce answered sarcastically as he walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"well i have to run in town and i won't be back till later, and bryce i had sam run and get your things they should be up in jakes room now." he said as he was walking away.

sam was the families butler he has been with us since before i can remember and he is really nice, he's gotten old but is still the same sam from his younger days.

"oh master jake and now i see we have master bryce with us as well." he said smiling.

"yes sam, and if i could get you to do something for me."

"and what that might be master jake?"

"i would love some food right now and i think some tacos would do the trick, and while your out get you something to eat as well and get your grandson something for his birthday no matter what it costs." i handed him a credit card as i walked to my room with bryce.

"no problem master jake i will return after i finish." he had the biggest smile on his face.

see sam is our butler he lives with us and rarely sees his family my dad remembers to give him days off but never on an important days like today, my dad is by far a mean person just sometimes he forgets things. i always sent sam to his grandson every year that i was here but since i've been gone the last two sam has missed them.

"that was nice of you jake."

"i have always done that for him." i said climbing into my bed

"bryce come lay with me." i said putting on my puppy face

he walked over to my radio and turned on some music. taking his shirt off coming back to me. when he gets to me he stands me and starts kissing me taking my shirt off he starts kissing down my chest and unbuttons my pants pushing me back on the bed completely naked. he takes the rest of his clothes off and climbs on top of me. i slide into him and the feeling that comes over me is just pure bliss. this is the guy i want to spend eternity with. i finish rather quickly inside him and once my bliss spell ends i take him into my mouth and the spell returns instantly. our love making comes to an end and we are lying on my bed with him laying on my chest and me playing with his hair.

"you know bryce i'm still hungry." i said as my stomach starts growling.

there's a knock on my door and sure enough sam has returned with our tacos! yum!

we ate our delicious tacos and went back to the room for "bed".

i don't honestly remember how many times we did it that day but i do know three things; 1 i was sore, 2 i was tired, and 3 i love tacos.

ok so the whole love scene is not very descriptive but that's my point. i'm not writing an erotic novel, i'm writing a love story focusing more on the feelings and raw emotion not the physical affections. however i will say this coming shortly (no pun intended lol) there will be a few more scenes and depending on my mood is how descriptive they can be. so in my next part there will be one and i might have to change the ratings.

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