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Okay so i have been away all weekend and haven't worked on my stories so i'm sorry for the lack of uploads. Also i haven't been getting any comments so i don't have a clue if people are liking what i write, especially with this genre. So this going to be the last chapter until i get some comments. Honestly i don't care about votes or fans, i just want to know if people are enjoying what i write, and right now i have no clue so this chapter will be short and will be the last upload for a while...unless you comment. *hint hint.


Bryces Point of View

I woke up wrapped up in jake and i loved it. Just the feel of his skin was enough to get me aroused from deep slumber. I grabbed Jakes chin and turned his face to mine and kissed him till he woke up.

"Good morning, i see your not going to waste anytime." He said with a chuckle.

"Well not exactly i just wanted you to wake up and kiss you at the same time, so i did."

He chuckled slightly as he pulled me in for a kiss, i reached a hand around him and put my other one on the back of his head as i climbed on top of him. I placed him at my entrance and sat down, i loved the feeling of him.

Jake layed me down and started to take control so i pulled him back down for some more kissing while he made better use with his hands...

We didn't stop till around noon and he decided to make lunch for us and take another trip to the beach. I didn't want to leave the house i was enjoying our time together and the beach would just introduce more people to our alone time. Oh great i'm jealous of a beach, i thought to myself.

Jake loved the water tho, he always seemed just a little more relaxed when he swam, and this sparked my curiousity. "Jake, why do you like the water so much?"

"Well my parents when they were together and still happy would always bring me here, it was the one place we all could escape our problems with the world. Don't you have a place like that?" He asked with slight sympathy in his voice.

"Yes, my place would be the ball diamond we hung out at, before my dad passed away he would always take me there and we would just talk and pass the ball for hours at a time. That's why i was always happy you didn't mind doing that with me when we first started hanging out, it reminded me so much of me and him.

I think that's when i first realized i loved you jake, when you filled the missing peice in my heart, i knew i didn't want to lose you but i was so afraid of being with another guy that i pushed you away. Jake when you took me back i was the happiest guy in the world.

I wake up with you everyday and love every minute i have with you, i want to spend every second of everyday for the rest of my life being with you. I look at you and i can see me and you together forever."

He looked at me for a second before he pulled me into one of the most passionate kisses we have ever had. The feeling i get when he holds me is just amazing and i know he loves me.

"Bryce i can't tell you how much i love you, and the only way i can show you is being with you forever. I never want to lose you, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. You asked me why i loved you and  the only answer i have is;

when we are together i know exactly who i am i have no life questions everything just feels right, i never worry if i'm doing things wrong with my life, i never wonder about the future because being with you here and now is all i care about.

The world can throw anything my way and as long as i know i have you i can handle everything that comes my way. Bryce we will awlays have each other, together forever, i love you.

We went to dinner that evening and went back to the house and just cuddled until we fell asleep. I found all i could ever want and i caqn't wait to see where we will end up. I found pure happiness.

love's a roller coaster (boyxboy)(Canceled)Where stories live. Discover now