Chapter 6: Saving the Clan - Part 1

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You three were flying back to the Hotel. You were shivering. "You're freezing. We'll go to your room and find you dry clothes." Said Anna. "Not necessary." Replied Rudolph and then he spun you around in the air so you'd get dry. "Oh man, I'm dizzy!" You said with your eyes rolling. "But dry." Rudolph replied. You all sat on the roof and watched as Rookery and Manny packed the truck. "We need to find that little Vampire loving brat! Before she does something she'll regret!" Rookery said while going into the truck." Manny did the same and the truck left to the direction of Transylvania. "They're going after my Brother and my clan! We have to get to Transylvania before them!" Rudolph exclaimed. "We've stopped them so far, we'll stop them again." You said while looking at the window if your bedroom. Only to see your Mum and Dad. "Mum and Dad..." You said to yourself. "What?" Rudolph asked, concerned. "They'll be worried sick! And if they see me now, who knows what they'll do." "Why is that?" Asked Anna. You took a deep breath and sighed. "Look, guys, I have something to confess. My Dad, he doesn't like me talking about Vampires and I have no idea why. And if he doesn't like Vampires, let alone let me talk about them, who knows what he'll do." You had a said look on your face and the Vampire siblings just stared at you. "Well, who needs your Dad? You've got US!" Rudolph said, trying to make you feel better. You blushed and gave a slight smile. "Thanks." You said quietly. "Alright. Anna, you convince the parents that (y/n) needs to come with me. While (y/n) and I go find Rookery." "Ugh, but that's not fair!" Anna said in a huff as she turned her back on her Brother. "Anna please! Listen to me! For once in our lives don't argue! It's not just (y/n)'s parents we need to worry about. What about ours? They must know where we are, they must know we're safe!" Rudolph told his sister. Anna turned around to face her Brother with and angry look. "Alright. I'll take care of the parents but next time big Brother, I'LL be the Hero(!)" Then she flew off to your room.

"(y/n)? (y/n)!" Your parents were looking for you in your room, only to find the wardrobe that was on sideways that had a pillow in it. So it looked like a coffin. "Darling?" Your Mum asked your Dad. They stared at the coffin with disappointment. "She can't be a... a... Vampire? Can she? Our own Daughter, a Vampire!" Your Mum exclaimed. "Your Dad just had a blank expression.

"Don't be scared." Said a voice from outside the window. "I just want to meet you. Please allow me to float in. Please." Your parents just stood in shock. Only to find Anna fly through the window. "May I introduce myself? My name is Anna Sackville - Bagg." She put a spell on your parents to make them listen to her every word without hesitation. "I know your daughter (y/n). In fact, you might say, I'm her special friend. Your daughter is a good girl. She rescued my Brother Rudolph's life. They are both flying to Transylvania." Your parents just agreed with her every word, looking tired and dizzy. "That doesn't seem like a trip you should make without your parents." Anna said, with your parents still under her spell. They just shakes their heads, with no clue whatsoever what was going on.

You and Rudolph were flying to Transylvania and you passed the motorway. "Look! We're going faster than the cars!" You exclaimed until Rudolph noticed the Sun. "Sunrise, (y/n). We're not gonna make it." He said a bit scared. "We'll find you a place to sleep." You replied with confidence.

You both ended up at a graveyard. "Now, you stay here and get some sleep. I'll kewl going." You said. Rudolph looked around for an empty coffin. He opened one but it had a skeleton in it. "Hm, occupied." He said. Until he found one that had nothing in it. "I failed my family." He said with disappointment. "How long have you been 13?" You questioned him. "300 years." "Then stop acting like a baby! You got me this far! Just tell me how to get to the Catacomb." "Just follow the road you can't miss it. It's a place full of dead people." "I'm getting used to that." You said to yourself. "Rookery blocked the exit with a steel net. We need his special spanner to open it." Rudolph informed you. "Ok. Got it!" You replied, feeling positive. "I'll meet you tonight! Please be careful." Rudolph said as he embraced you tightly in one last hug.


Thank you guys for reading and staying tuned! I can't wait to write the next chapter!

See you soon my fellow Bookworms!

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