Chapter 4 - Lost Sister

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Far away from the drama on Gregorax, in the Betelgeuse residence, the sun hung high in the sky. As the light pierced through a crack in the darkened windows, someone stirred. Crimson's brother, Otis, had taken his sweet time waking up, since school started late.

He looked pretty similar with Crimson, though much different at the same time. His hair was maroon, unlike the ginger his sister possessed. His eyes were yellow, though it held the same gleam of joy. He was also freckled, little spots like the stars in the sky dotted his face and shoulders. He was 6 years younger than his sister, plus he was really small too.

Otis stumbled out of his bed, which he didn't really want to do since it was so comfortable. He had to thank the engineers who made the beds in his world change to support the sleeping style of the owner. He then stretched a couple times before walking to the bathroom.

He took a nice steamy bath, brushed his teeth then combed his tangled hair until it was respectable. Otis slipped on a black shirt before using his hand-knitted orange sweater and stuffed his green beanie. He stuffed his feet into a random pair of shoes before walking out of his room, but not before taking his favourite alien encyclopedia with him.

The warmth of the heated house cuddled him tight. Outside, the vibrant leaves of the trees were tipped with frost, which made the warmth loving Otis shiver. He stumbled into the kitchen, grabbing his backpack and placing the encyclopedia in. He peeked inside and saw that his snacks were already packed. He grabbed a piece of holekas, which was flat and made of flour, and poured some makgii, a sweet and sticky green substance, on it.

Otis skipped over to his sisters room, his cream lips opening into a big smile as he chewed d his first meal. "Crimson!" he chirped, his voice soft. "You should get ready for school!" Otis, though younger, was always the one waking his sleepy head sister up. He opened the door, the darkened windows not letting light through. He turned on the lights with a wave of his hand over the sensor, letting his eyes adjust the brightness.

However, the sight he saw was shocking.

Crimson's room was still clean, but he could see signs of unrest. Her blanket slightly wrinkled, like she couldn't bother to make her bed properly. The cabinet which she secretly stored a revolver peeking open slightly. Her cabinet was also missing an outfit. Additionally, her shoes were also missing.

Otis stared at the the room for a few heartbeat more before turning around. "Mom!" he screeched, his eyes wide. "Crimson's gone! Mom!" He scrambled towards his mom's room, knowing her soothingh green eyes and soft voice would help calm him down. However, he heard noises in the living room and paused. It was his mother and father's voice!

He peeked from a thin crack in the door, seeing the bulky figure of his dad, Arcturus, standing there, staring at a couple of officers. By his stance, Otis knew his yellow eyes were probably furrowed, the freckled on his face wrinkling in displeasure. His mother, Cordelia, place her hand on his father's arm and his stance softened. "Officer, what are you implying? Are you saying our daughter is gone?" his father spoke, voice gruff.

"I'm afraid so, sir. Do you have any idea where she went? It seems she stole the NYX, your families most prized spaceship," the officer, their voice still neutral, answered.

When Cordelia and Arcturus didn't speak, the officer went on. "She went at the middle of the night, hijacking your spaceship. We sent robot ships after her and sent her a warning but she went into Hyperspace before we could catch up."

'Hyperspace!?' Otis whispered with great surprise, his eyes widened at the thought. Sure, the NYX was the Roth's family most prized possession and it was strong, but not strong enough to survive a crash landing. And Otis knew Crimson probably crash landed, for she had never actually flown a ship before.

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