Chapter 11 - Fire or Fist? Friend or Foe?

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"Hands in the air!" an Equilibri screamed, raising a blaster that was hundreds-of-kilograms worth of bullets. "Do as I say! If you don't surrender-" he then snarled, before saying, "You know you will anyways. Here is the thing. If you don't obey, we'll have a little bloodbath for your super-early birthday."

Crimson sighed. "Thanks guys. My birthday's next month, actually. Regardless of that, though-" she raised her revolver that pointed straight at the Equilibri's chest, "I think I can replace my bloodbath with yours."

Her fingers were already on the verge of clicking the trigger, but Jake whispered in a rush, "Crimson. We're talking about real deaths here. Not like... well, Fhrore- Fr- oh whatever that town was called anyways!" When Crimson didn't respond, he asked a much simpler question; "What are you doing!"

"Something dumb."

"You've done that hundreds of times! Be more creative."

"Okay... something impossible."

"Impossible is a myth, dummy. What else you've got?"

"Fine," Crimson said. "Something schizophrenic."

At that one word, she slid herself between the masses of the purple aliens- a bang at every turn. Jake ran in the opposite direction, playing distraction for the day. Grenades exploded at every five seconds or so, wih debris flying high like birds, and bullets ricocheted like burning jets in a world war falling from the sky and onto the ground.

Their plan slightly worked- but with the crowd of enemies surrounding their path- how were they supposed to escape? That thought wasn't on Crimson's mind because she had to concentrate on firing the small, sharp weapons- every shot counted.

By the time of 20 minutes, Crimson had barely any more bullets left. All her hope was placed onto the shoulders of her small but agile pocket knife. But it wasn't even close to defend her! Crimson needed luck- a whole lot of luck- and she needed it, fast.

Good thing luck listened to her wishes.

A earthquake-making screech that could give you a headache for days rang throughout the room. Rising from the midst of the purple Equilibri was a 30 foot, scaly and scary, full grown Dragon endorsed with horrifying claws and a back-shivering stare.

Its scales contrasted between a dark silver and a fading but noticeable turquoise that contrasted finely with its bronze eyes that were slanted and enormous. Teeth slithered down from the narrow opening of its mouth. Its wings were like an eagle's; widespread of feathers and beautiful. Rivers of steam floated out of its nostrils.

The Dragon gave a terrifying roar, and the Equilibri were of horror.

Not Crimson. She rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and shook her head with unimpressed feeling. Crimson muttered softly, nearly laughing herself off in the unfortunate situation, "Oh, show-off."

Suddenly, a voice spoke to her mind, "Crimson." She jumped, and look around. It wasn't the Equilibri, of course- the voice was rather soft and tired. "Crimson. Can you hear me? I'm using a bit of Dragon telepathy signals and all..."

Crimson widened her eyes in surprise, "Jake? Is that you?" Her mouth widened and her face scrunching in disbelief. "Oh God, no way you can-"

"Oh, just shut up and listen," Jake spoke in her mind. "Two things though; one, do not call me a show-off. I was literally saving your arse from dying. Yes, your very welcome." He sighed dismissively. "Next, you've gotta climb. Like, climb me. If that's possible. I can help you with a distraction."

Wait, what distraction? Crimson thought.

"On three: one... two... three..."

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